
Why do they now call it "climate change" instead of "global warming", because we have entered a cooling phase?

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Records show that there has been no increase in global temperatures since 1998. Global temperatures has leveled off, despite the fact that the atmospheric levels of CO2 have continued to increased. Antarctic Ice is at its highest recorded levels. And Ice in the Arctic and in Greenland are both increasing. So why are all the politicians getting on the "climate change" bandwagon?




  1. No.  The scientific term has ALWAYS been "climate change".  "Global warming" was invented by a reporter.  Now people use the two terms interchangeably.  There's nothing sinister about it.

    Ad the temperature has very definitely increased since 1998.  Individual years can be warmer or colder, but the long term average is increasing.

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    EDIT - The tamino link points out that this is not "James Hansen's data" it's confirmed by independent scientists.  End edit.

    Ice volume is decreasing in the Arctic and Greenland.  It's holding steady in Antarctica, because the ozone layer cools central Antarctica.  The coasts are very definitely melting, releasing huge chunks of the ice sheet to the ocean, where they melt.

    There are many reasons why all these guys say global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

  2. Because if it rains; it's global warming, if it snows; it's global warming, if it's hot; it's global warming, if it's cold; it's global warming... you get the point.

    You are right that there is no correlation between uprising co2 and temperature.

    Politicians will follow the fad or what they think people are more interested in, but a new ABC poll recently conducted showed that 0 percent cared about global warming in the up coming election. They were mostly concerned about the economy that the legislative global warming bills will collapse.

    Also the NASA giss temperatures are fraudulent and agenda driven.

  3. You are right.  Who invented the term and when they invented it is not the point.  Environmentalists are using the term because they can now blame any weather pattern on climate change.  You see it on this forum, people are blaming the recent cold winter on climate change.

    As for Bob's temperature graph, considering it is put out by Hansen and he is the only person who does not show 1998 as the warmest year of this past century, one has to wonder how reliable his data is.  For numerous reason troposphere measurement of temperature by satellite  is far more reliable data for measuring temperature, and it show that we had not had any statistically significant temperature rises since 1995.

  4. You said it!  All this nonsense about global warming is just another way for politicians to line their pockets.  Al Gore, is the worst.  He's not a scientist or meteorologist, he is a politician and will do what he can to push an agenda.  Now the United Nations wants to get into the act and global warming is new cash cow placed on the backs of those who drive cars to work, use electricity, and want to heat or cool their homes.

    Barack Obama has already talked about that when he's president, he'll raise taxes on coal fired electric plants.  And he even acknowledged that as a result, electricity will cost more.  Imagine living in a country such as ours where you need assistance in paying your electric bill.  It will be a major decision if you want to watch TV, or flip a switch.

    In California some peoples' electric bills have doubled and tripled as a result of this made-up global warming non-sense.

  5. 'Records show that there has been no increase in global temperatures since 1998'

    cherry picking the abnormally hot year as the start, and using this ludicrously short time period, are deliberately misleading and hardly scientific..

    'Antarctic Ice is at its highest recorded levels'

    huh? plain wrong. east antarctica seems to be in balance at the moment, with increased snowfall matched by increased loss from glaciers. west antarctica is loosing ice increasingly rapidly, with noticable warming and nearly all glaciers speeding up.

    'And Ice in the Arctic and in Greenland are both increasing'

    how can you say that? oh! you mean 'because its winter'! doh!

  6. yup they should do that 'cos most of the people are Ignorant to figure out the theory behind scientists terms , ,

    whats happening is , the polar ice caps are melting as a result of increase in temperature that side but other parts of the world are experiencing cooler climates 'cos of this , ,

    it'll go on like this for few years before the scene changes dramatically , ,

    in the meanwhile, the common man, is thinking " the politicians are B.S us 'bout global warming n stuff . .look its snowing in spring.everything must be improving "

    but spread the word fellow soldier , its kicking in & this is our last chance, if it aint over already ! !

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