
Why do they pay meteorologists to predict the wrong weather?

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Why do they pay meteorologists to predict the wrong weather?




  1. They don't. A meteorologists pay is pro-rated according to the accuracy of their predictions for the previous month.

  2. I dont know but i agree with you. I hate watching the weather forecast for tommorrow and it tells me its going to be sunny, and i wake up the next morning only to find out its pouring rain.

    This issue really bunches my shorts!!!

  3. It is almost a rule in meteorology that a good numerical weather forecast is only for 48-72hrs. I shall repeat what some people here said: meteorology is PREDICTING, and predicting future.

    Why do they pay them?

    Because, if there were no meteorologists, a plane would almost 100% crash if it ran on strong cumulonimbus cloud. Because constructers rely on weather forecasts. Because agriculture relies on wf...etc. etc.

  4. its funny to me, because majority of the time, you can basically look outside and predict what will happen. But I dont like when they do the THREE day forecast, and its totally wrong, lol. But that's why they PREDICT the weather, and its just a forecast. It's like going to a pychic and then getting mad when they're

  5. They don't pay meteorologists for nothing. Meteorologists are doing all their best to predict the right weather. It's just that the climate is changing due to global warming.

  6. There are several factors, Mike.

    1) If the weatherman sees that a low pressure is coming and he predicts rain for tomorrow, when is 'tomorrow?' When he gets up or when you get up? Maybe the sunny weather that was forecasted came ... during the night.

    2) How precise a forecast must be? If it predicts a wind of 12 MPH and it turns out to be 13 MPH, is it a wrong forecast?

    3) The accuracy of a forecast decreases with time. I know that some people pretend to forecast a hot summer of a windy winter. But that is not possible; the percentage of accuracy decreases with time. The problem is: on the television, they don't give you the percentage of probability as they do for aviators or seafarers. When I read an aviation TAF, it may be written: PROB30 1216 -SHRA, which means; 30% of probability to see minor rain showers between 12:00 and 16:00.

    4) The weather information is coming from everywhere. There is nothing more international co-operation than that because no country is big enough to measure all the factors that will influence their weather. From that, super-computers develop super-models. Those go to the different weather providers and local considerations are added. But it is as 'local' as the authority doing it. Especially near mountains and coastlines, the weather may be quite different within a few hundred miles, if not less.

    It is then up to the 'local' man to make the last decision. At airports, they have such a 'local' man who knows his region very well. Will this fog last until midday or dissipate before? He knows. But he knows only for his airport.

  7. i agree wiff the first guyy

  8. meteorlogists are not payed to do no thing

    they try their best to predict right the right thing

    why did feel that way????

  9. They don't. Most weather reports are correct (60-80% accuracy). Predicting weather is extremely complex.

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