
Why do they put gross stuff in gelatin??????????

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thats why im vegetarian! they put horse and/or cow hooves, mash up animal skin, and bugs!!! hmmmm. no stupid answers like "same reason why blahblahblahblah" like serious answers!




  1. Because the FDA actually allows for a certain amount in all food production, that is considered a safe amount, that won't do harm. It's in most everything people eat not just gelatin.

  2. Gelatin is made from boiling animal parts it is a natural by product.

    As to eating organic to avoid bug parts organic has just as many insects if not more as the plant was not fed pesticides.

    If you want clean food that you know has no insects or hidden meats I would suggest you buy your food in the most natural state you can and clean and prepare it yourself.

  3. Because the chemical that makes gelatin comes from cow bones and horse hooves.

  4. I've heard horror stories about the people who live near a gelatin factory in MA. Sometimes there's a lime smell in the air, sometimes Strawberry. Other times it smells like death.

    Hooves no, animal hides yes, insects more on that later.

    To make gelatin you have to render the collagen out of animal bones and hides by cooking it for a long time. The collagen is cooked so much and filtered so much it's no longer considered an animal product by the FDA. Since we eat a lot of beef and pork in this country there are plenty of beef and pork bones to use and there isn't a good supply of horse parts.

    About bugs… Certainly a lot of bugs sneak into our food supply and I saw an estimate where each of us eats about half a shoebox full in a year. However, "bugs" are put in gelatin and yoghurt and candy as an artificial (red) color.

    Look on some red fruit juices, strawberry yoghurt, strawberry gelatin, etc. and you may see an ingredient called cochineal, carmine or carminic acid. That dye comes from a cactus bug.

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