
Why do they say men do not like to ask for directions?

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Why do they say men do not like to ask for directions?




  1. It is usually true..they want the woman to ask

  2. Because the act of asking direction will definitely challenge their pride. Most of the time men will rather explore the strange place themselves than open their mouth to ask for help. It is nature behaviour, for men.

  3. I must be a woman then, lol. I don't have a problem with asking for directions.

  4. Men don't want to look stupid > it's like admitting you're wrong.  

    That's why the GPS >Global Positioning Satellites > were invented with turn by turn directions.  You never have to ask anybody where the heck is Main Street > even though you're already on it.  (I did that once.)

  5. Because they don't like to ask.My husband doesn't at least.

    Once in Germany, we were looking for the Sony factory in a certain city about 100 miles or so from where we were.

    I was holding the map and feel alseep. My husband missed the turn because he forgot that I told him where to turn before i feel asleep.

    When I woke up, we were on the other side of the country and of course it was my fault for falling asleep.

    We finally found the factory about 5-6 hours later just 5 min. after they closed.I was never so mad before.

  6. because men are supposedly 'hunters'. they're not supposed to bring their pride down to ask for directions. lol

    i'm not saying women are humble..they just don't have the pressure of being the dominant gender.

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