
Why do they say that intelligent people vote democrats?

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I'm not from US and know little of American politics.

But all the Americans that I come across in London seem to think that the more intelligent states all vote Democrat. Why is that? Is it something to do with the mindset of people who've moved abroad?




  1. For several decades, the Republican party has gained support by invoking fear and false patriotism. More educated (which is not the same as intelligent) people tend to do more research, and often find the Democratic party better matches their position. Once they become highly educated, they usually find that neither party does.

  2. because all the people that teach are liberals, they teach the dumb kids(conservatives as well)

  3. Average IQ in Massachusetts (The Bluest State in New England): 104.3

    Average IQ in Mississippi (The Redest State in the Deep South): 94.2

    That's why.

  4. The people who say that are mislead. Blue states are not smarter than red states.

  5. Educated people tend to vote Liberal. Redneck, inbred, and more than likely Southern Americans vote Conservative.

  6. May have to do with the new saying if you want the American dream, move. They also know the Republicans will s***w  them. People vote in Republicans get screwed then blame Democrats, Go figure.  

  7. If intelligent people have been voting then why is the world so screwed up?

  8. They do say that.

    The truth is this.  It has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with academia.  People at colleges and universities, that is to say those who are not in the real world, tend to be very liberal.

    For example, Marxism looks great on paper.  You can talk about how great it is all day.  But in reality??  There is no just and fair way to *apply* Marxist ideals.

    The people who say that the intelligent people are liberal really mean the academic crowd in the United States is liberal.  

  9. Anon,

    They don't say that at all.  Democrats vote emotionally, get caught up causes and slogans.  Generally, they are the very young, the educated but only book smart idealists, or the indigent and those that have lost their way and looking for a handout.

    Republicans are the taxpayers, business owners, working families, business execs and leaders.

    Dem's talk about "changing the tire," Republicans change the tire.  Dems talk about war, Repubs fight the war.

  10. republicans = greed = troublemakers

    democrats = caring and sharing = peace and prosperity for all.


    They are the OWNERS of the war profiteering corporations. Google "Carlyle Group" Peace loses them $$$$$$$$$$$, Prosperity for all = that they cannot own everything themselves and be DICTATORS!

  11. A rumor is only true if you can find someone to believe it

  12. Democrats believe in people first, money second

    Also, individualism, regardless of social class

    Republicans believe in money first, people second

    Also, individualism, as long as it is based on personal responsibility.

    Problem with republicans when it comes to personal responsibility, put ten republicans in a room and not one of them can agree where that starts and where it ends.

    Dems understand that personal responsibility is both an individual and society choice. That some people don't understand personal responsibility, or that theirs does not fit the "normal" call that the republicans dream of.  That even the best laid plans can come completely undone at the stroke of bad luck.  That everyone, regardless of social class, needs health care and retirement.  

    What it really comes down to is selfishness.  Repugs scream, "Not my money" and the dems counter back it is the countries responsibility.

    Kind of stupid when you look at it, repugs love budget busting wars and nation building, the dems say, "hey, wait just a damned minute, has anyone thought this through?"  Of course, we all know the dems realized we were fed a can of worms in the ramp up to our wars.

    That is, unless you are a republican or neocon, then it doesn't matter what the facts are.

    That is why dems are smarter then repugs.

    And why I have said this a hundred times, we are so dumb.  We elected a divider not once, but twice, and we let him get away with two wars.  We are so dumb.



  13. Democrats are elitist and think anybody with a dissenting opinion is ignorant.

  14.   Actually, it's the other way around. The democrat news media wants people to believe that intelligent people vote democrat. It's just democrat bunk.

  15. I don't know, It seems to me that the Democratic party has a respectful response to the economy maybe that's why.

  16. Many who vote Republican vote don't understand the issues, so they decide their vote  on silly  things like who is wearing a flag pin.

    Sadly, they end up voting against their own best financial interest.

  17. Funny, I haven't heard that.  I think there are intelligent people who support both parties.  

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