
Why do they show school shooters' names and faces on the news???

by Guest64442  |  earlier

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I know (of course) that the news is around to keep us informed, BUT does anyone else agree that they SHOULD NOT be posting all these school shooters' names and faces on the news?? It seems to me that this is what these murderers are looking for - notariety. If we didn't give them an identity, they wouldn't be known for these terrifying, sick massacres. They seem to want it for the fame. Since all of these are copy-cat crimes, the media needs to stop covering them the same way! Do not give them an identity! They have no soul anyway. Leave the identity to investigators and families sadly involved. Some of you will point out that the killers' names will slip through the cracks within time anyway, but there is no reason the media should give these sickos any kind of specific identity coverage. They're getting exactly what they wanted.




  1. You are exactly right.  They are coypcats of the murderers that came before them.  They want their 15 minutes of fame and this is the way to get it because they know they media is going to show their picture everywhere.  It's the same thing with the thug behavior that the media glamourizes and the terrorist propaganda that they help spread.

    If these people want to kill themselves go ahead but taking innocent people with them makes them pathetic pieces of garbage.  You wonder how they people rise to the top of al Quada?  They have other people kill themselves for their cause, they don't have the balls to do it themselves.  And last week, they used two mentally retarded women.  They strapped them with bombs that the women were unaware of, sent them into a crowded area and detonated the bombs by remote control.  Pathetic punks that need beaten to death!

  2. You couldn't be more right! No one should show their faces or give their names. It is just going to keep happening. It's a shame they don't just shot themselves first and save these people and their families the sorrow. The last thing we need is more copy cat sickos. People try to make life good for themselves and their loved ones, and then you have these pieces of c**p come along and destroy everything. I am so glad my daughter is no longer a student or a teacher. The media has steadily gone downhill.

  3. i dont know bout the rest but i would wanna know who wuz the massacre i mean u know its weird man i dont know seriuosly omg im like in shock.

    i cant believe diz happened near chicago im sorry but yea i dont know itz just weird i never tought about dat cuz most f these skool shoot outs happen in the south but yea im in shock. i dont know datz scary how close dat wuz n i wuz clueless.

  4. I dont think the man in the recent shooting was looking for coverage. I mean he picked a science meeting to shoot up. He was simply off his medication and who knows if it was right to begin with. I for one did not think he looked like he would be someone that shot up a school. His father certainly didnt think his son was going to kill people then shot himself. This is a horrible thing that happend...again. I wish they would ban Brittney Spears from being on tv. I wish the would ban Paris Hilton. We have a shallow society.  Hiding our heads in the sand of denial and just not looking at the shooters pictures isnt going to make this go away.

  5. Right. This sets it up for the next round of shootings, since it allows wackos to see how much publicity they can get. Keeping killers' identities out of the spotlight initially could be a way of curbing this stupity. Of course we are talking about the "news" media and how important it is for them to get ratings...

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