
Why do they smooth the fighters faces....?

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Why/what do they smooth on the fighters faces right before they enter the cage(such as todays mma fight) and what does this do for them?




  1. It helps deflect blows, aid with cuts that occur during a fight, and in MMA, too much vaseline can make it hard to grab your head (e.g., it could help you slide out in a guillotine choke).  That's why you will see officials ask some fighters to take off excess vaseline.

  2. .Humans in cages fighting appeals to the lowest common denominator What creeps enjoy that?

  3. They are smearing vasoline on their faces, so the punches slide off and don't cut the face as easy.

  4. The people smoothing the faces are called cutmen, and they are like army medics in the cage. They are not really smoothing the fighters' faces, they are applying Vaseline to their designated fighter's face.

    Before the fight, cutmen apply petroleum jelly (Vaseline )on the most likely areas of impact on the fighter's face, thus making the skin more elastic and slippery, and hence less likely to tear, which helps to reduce unnecessary lacerations, some of which could prematurely stop the fight.

    Cutmen also apply more in between rounds, especially to areas that are already cut, to prevent further lacerations, and to stop temporarily the bleeding to cuts already incurred until they can be looked at properly after the fight.

  5. it is vasoline, however it has no effect on anything sliding off of the fighters faces, it is done because vasoline is excellent at preventing infections once a cut or wound occurs.

    so that is the purpose, to prevent infections and to help stop bleeding, though it is less effective at that.

  6. so punches slide

  7. they are actors who need make up

  8. So that they don't get cut easily from blows. They do the same thing in boxing.

  9. so when they got punched the glove kind of just slides off and prevents bleeding

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