
Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?

by Guest33009  |  earlier

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Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?




  1. so that it is humane, and painless

    if they used a rusty, dirty jagged one then it would be just as bad as murdering someone which is what they are being punished for

  2. Because even though the person is going to die anyway they decide to waste the money on sterilising it!

  3. because they got a sense of humour, or maybe they are just following orders.

  4. You don't want the person being executed to get an infection of some type, do you? ...... lol ....... bureaucracy at its best of course ........ they feel its the humane thing to do to for a murderer ........ = )

  5. Because the government has money to waste

  6. All needles used in injections should be sterile. They could be sued otherwise!

  7. No they use old ones, rusty and blunt

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