
Why do they still make canoes if they're so unsafe?

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They roll over so damned easy it's not funny. I'm sure it might not be a big deal on a warm lake when everybody is wearing life jackets or in some rivers where the shore is not far away, but I see people take canoes out here on Puget sound. The water is so cold and the currents so strong, if you fall in, you're dead in less than 20 minutes. Seems to me there are better alternatives (like inflatables) than those incredibly unstable pieces of c**p.




  1. if you know what your doing being in a canoe is safe the reason they tip over so easy is most people sit in the seats it throw of the balance so easy, kneeling down making the canoe much more less tipply and gettin back into a canoe is very easy if you no how too.. im a boyscout and have the canoeing meritbadge and if your not doing something you shouldnt they shouldnt tip over

  2. Why do they still make cigarettes if they're so unsafe?

    Personal responsibility. It is fun, it is dangerous. You know the danger, you accept the danger. Your reward is either a fun time or death. It is kinda how it works. There are always dangers, if you don't want to potentially drown when your canoe capsizes then don't go on the canoe. That is all there is to it. If people want to do it then they will continue making it.

  3. We might as well ban everything, including  stupidity.

  4. Canoes can be outfitted with flotation bags, which in essence makes them rollable like a kayak.  They're more difficult to roll than a kayak, and it takes loads of practice to do it.   I agree that open water - like the middle of the Sound - is not safe in an open canoe.  But there are ways to outfit the canoe, and if you're an experienced paddler, it's POSSIBLE to be safe.  

    There are ways to prepare for cold water too - wet suits, dry suits, etc.  Unfortunately, some people are foolish enough to think that "it" won't happen to them.  Any type of water sport can put people at risk when they have this mentality.  Canoes are not to blame.

    Based on your additional notes - people that stupid are bound to earn their Darwin award one way or another.  They happened to pick a canoe that day.  A week earlier, it might have been street racing a car, or crossing train tracks when the crossing rails are down.  It's all about the people, not about the means.

    Canoes have been around for about 8,000 years.  I'm betting that when they were a crucial part of survival, people were smart enough to know that they can't be overloaded (3" of freeboard?).  Now that they are recreational, and our lives are jammed full of pointless c**p, people don't and won't take the time to learn what is required to do something like canoeing safely.    Just my 2 cents.

  5. Canoes are not unsafe if properly used. One should wear the life jacket, not just take it along. We have canoed for 45 years and the only time it tipped over is with one end on shore. Kayaks seem to tip more easily, we have only done that for 5 years but have not flipped. They make kayaks for going done the rapids. We have rescued canoes which had no flotation in them.

    Don't be afraid to say something to people who look like they need advice. They may not listen, but you did your part. It sounds like they did not follow safety regulations. Don't feel guilty. Many people enjoy their canoes in safe waters. Everyone should take a safe boating course and abide by rules of safety.

    People should not go out in canoes without knowing how to handle them. They should wear a life vest if they do not swim. They must have one within reach. Canoes should be outfitted with flotation, and should not be overloaded. Anyone in a power boat is responsible for their wake. Hopefully everyone checks the weather before going out and stays with the boat if it swamps.

  6. Manufacturers makes canoes(and kayaks) to sell to whoever wants to buy them. It is for the people who buys, to decide where they want to go with it. A very good vacation can be made on a canoe along rivers, lakes, seaside beaches, etc.

    As you can see in my avatar, that I am sitting on my kayak in the Straits of Melaka, near to Pangkor Island. I use this picture here because I feel happy and contented whenever I see that picture of myself. I have fond memories of that vacation.

    Please recognize that what you deemed dangerous has also given much pleasure to many other people. We cant help it that sometimes, some people may do stupid things on their canoes without considering safety, but that doesnt mean that everybody else should stop canoeing or switch to a "safer" vessel.

  7. Actually, if people know what they are doing, canoes are generally safe and won't roll over very easily.  But they are made more for rivers/streams and calm lakes.  Puget Sound is probably not a good place for them, especially if the canoers (canoe-ists?) are not experienced.

    But maybe that's just natural selection!

    P.S.  Kayaks roll easily, but in theory the kayaker has some idea of how to roll back up.

  8. It isn't the canoes that unsafe, it is the users. You could also argue that cars are unsafe and should not be used....the insrument is only as good as the user.

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