
Why do they test our work fire alarm during office hours?

by  |  earlier

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They said we should stay at our desks and keep working, I think they were just testing the equipment. They tested different alarms and the announce system for about 1/2 an hour, Couldn't they do this in the middle of the night when no one is here?




  1. the people that test it work the same hours as you. and your office is to cheap to pay them for night work

  2. thinking they want u to recognize the sounds so u will know how to its probably tied into the local fire dept.. and the dont want to have to tst it with them not on call....

  3. Testing is typically done during the day. One reason being because is most businesses thats when people are there.

    A reason they probably don't do it at night is because of the sirens/alarms that sound. Can't wake the neighbourhood up right? Plus most cities/towns have a time (10pm-ish) when you're not allowed loud noises. Anything from intentional alarms, loud motorcycles/cars, loud music, etc.

  4. The testers get overtime for 'Off Hours' work.

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