
Why do they turn over the chairs onto the tables at bars and restaurants at closing time?

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Why do they turn over the chairs onto the tables at bars and restaurants at closing time?




  1. It's a widespread superstition among waiters and waitresses. They think ghosts will sit on the chairs during the night. People will pick up on the ghostly vibes and will not want to sit on the chairs. Consequently there will be fewer customers and less in tips.

    Also there is a superstition about "ghost money" that ghostly customers leave that just evaporates when you try to pick it up.

    Restaurant people are very superstitious.

    There's more to it but that's the basic info.

  2. It helps to show that the table and chair have been cleaned and also makes it easier to run the vacuum around the area without having to move the chairs out of the way and then back into place. so when opening the next day all you have to do is put the chairs back on the floor knowing that everything is already clean.

  3. Let me be the third to say to make cleaning the floors easier.

  4. So the burgulars don't bump into stuff when they steal the boose.LOL Nah I think so they don't bump into them or to clean the floors.

  5. To let the customers passing by outside know that they are already closed and will not be accepting any more customers during that time.

    The other reason is that for the staff to easily clean the floors of the bars and restaurants. That would mean it would be easier to mop and sweep the floor.

  6. so they can clean the floors.

  7. So they can clean the floors without all the chair legs getting in the way.

  8. hello easier to clean and sweep and mop the floors

  9. It makes it easier to clean the floors.

  10. It let's the person mopping get finished faster and also signals late diners that closing time is near.  After the floor dries, the chairs are removed to the floor and the tables cleaned and set for next business day.

  11. to wash the floor

  12. Definitely to clear the floor so they can sweep and mop easily.  Been there, done that.

  13. DDDUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought that my three men walk into a bar joke was dumb, but you got me!!!!!LOL

  14. So they can sweep and mop the floors easier.

  15. It's a great way to say, "Hint, hint......We're CLOSING!...please leave." And also, simply, getting ready to close - sweep and mop floors.

    Have a great day!

  16. Probably to mop or sweep the floors... that would be my guess.  =)

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