
Why do things keep getting worse?

by  |  earlier

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what's wrong with my dad?

todays my burthday and he came home drunk.

and he wont talk to me.

hes usualy so nice.

well, all day hes been grumpy.

what can i do right now to make him in a better mood?

or atleast say happy birthday to me before i go to bed?





  1. Aww! I'm Sorry! My dad is a recovered alcoholic and did this to me every year until I turned 15 so Id say the best thing to do is let him sleep it off. In the morning say something like so do I really look older now? Or man another year im getting old. Sorry again HAPPY BIRHTDAY!!

  2. his drunk right? >< dont mess with a drunk i think but tomorrow make him something he likes to eat and happy birthday sorrie ><

  3. aww im sorry

    ,maby he just had a bad day ? or something

    its ot your fault tho

    happy birthday !

  4. I am sorry .My dad had  a drinking problem until  I was 8 and even after he quit drinking he would forget my birthday. Just don't bother him until he sobers up .You could get hurt or something .Let him sleep it off and maybe he will remember and make it up to you tomorrow.

  5. He must be under mental stress.Leave him alone,tell sorry even if you haven't done anything wrong,make him feel for you.Surely you will be greeted at the end of the day.Help him.Give me some more details about his condition.Is this very regular?I will help you.

  6. Does he come home often in this condition?  If not, perhaps something happened that stressed him out and he went out for a few two many drinks.  (Not a wise move, by the way.)

    Ask him if something happened.  He may share a problem with you if you try to be a good listener.

    Put your birthday on the back burner until tomorrow when he's thinking more clearly.  It really doesn't matter if he wishes you a happy birthday on the actual date of your birthday, does it?  Isn't it more important that he expresses his love for you everyday?  

    Well, tonight, it seems he could use a little love and understanding (and patience) from you.  Shift your focus off of yourself and be a help to him.  You two can tackle the fun birthday stuff tomorrow, and he will appreciate the unselfishness and maturity you showed him today.

    Happy birthday from your friends at Y!A...!

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