
Why do think republicans are so bad????

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Honestly, I am not really political, but I do hear a lot about how Republicans aren't for the poor people. Does anybody else out there live in Michigan?? Anybody know about our economy????? Our Gov. is a Democrat.....and we are one of the poorest states in the US. Everybody is losing their job...our taxes are outrageous...just for summer taxes we are playing close to $3000. NO JOKE. Not including what we are going to pay at the end of the year for winter taxes. What is the difference betwn. a Democrat and Republican....because honestly I see both shoving us down the pot hole.





  2. neither one on the political level is better than the other......repubs sell out to big business and the dems sell out to the unions........I think repubs are looked at more wrongly because they hold most of the power on most all levels and people like to root for the percieved underdog.

  3. I don't like republicans, I don't like democrats, I don't like politicians in general. Politics are depressing but necessary.

    And I agree, what the h**l is the real difference between the left and right wings anyway? It's all the same drivel, over and over again, I want the person who represents me to not give a d**n about how much money he personally makes, I want him to not care about power or favoritism or what propoganda he needs to feed to us. I want the person who represents me to actually represent ME and have a healthy psyche, for god's sakes. But power in any shape or form corrupts.

    Oh politicians. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

  4. Oh I agree, the problem is the Democrats want to take out any moral fiber left in society at the same time.

    g*y marriage, legalizing prostitution, creating sanctuary cities for see where I am going.


  5. Democrats have fooled minorities and the poor for sometime now. Conservatives believe you get what you work for....The American way. Democrats have polarized certain groups by convincing them that the government owes them a handout. The princibles that America is built on are not those of people with their hands out demanding free meals, thats France. One percent of Americans pay over forty percent of the nations taxes, yet Obama wants to raise those taxes even more. The facts are the facts, elect a liberal and watch the U.S.A become a welfare nanny state, that borders on communism. Elect a true conservative, and America will stay seated as the leader of the free world.

  6. Under the Democrats we had a strong US dollar, stable oil prices, peace and a balanced budget. Under the Republicans we have a weak dollar, sky high oil prices, two wars and a huge budget deficit which will guarantee a falling standard of living for Americans for the next generation.

    And Republicans preach smaller government, while expanding it faster that any administration since WW2. Are you bettor or worse off than you were in 2000?

  7. BUSH

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