
Why do this country try to keep the native americans in the dark?

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you never see them or even hear about them in mainstream society, it is so sad, i feel that we have enough problems here so why is the us so concerned about everyone else's problems?




  1. I live in North Dakota where there are multiple reservations throughout the state.  The way it seems to me up here is that the Natives want to be kept in the dark.  Most of the time they stay on the res. and dont bother anyone.  The very small population that is not on the res. dont want to have white people around them.  They have what they call Native bars up here where anyone other than Natives are shunned and treated badly when patronizing the joint.  I dont know your stance but thats just what i see.

  2. im am part native american and i can tell you this, 9 times out of 10, you can tell a native american from other people by their cheek bones. ours set up a little higher then most peoples do.

  3. No.

    Don't think so.

    Most of the glory and honours was lost with time.

    Without anyone being aware of it.

    The misery was only expose after the mystery of us-911.

    Can only be trace after the Asian Tsunami.

    Why must they hide?

    What is rightfully yours.?

    Then let others blindly kick you all on the butts..

    With the mess of their own creation in own backyards with self lack of knowledge.

    The mystery of the "Spoils of the war" that was lost with time.

    Without anyone being aware of it.

    Joshua 7.11

    What do you think?

  4. Are you sure they aren't out there in mainstream society? Lots of tan people with dark hair in this world, you could very easily just not know their heritage and people may just keep their business to themselves.

  5. because they are close to extinct that's why. Most modern day native Americans are so mixed with other races that they can hardly even be considered native American anymore.

    A girl I know is native American but she is white so at first I was like "bullllllllll" but it turns out she is. You can't tell though if you look at her she looks just like any other white girl.

    You probably have this image of them still living on teepees or something but the reality is they live among us and you wouldn't even be able to tell if you saw one.

  6. I don't understand 'keep them in the dark'.  I live in a state with a big Native American population.  They're out there.  Many of them choose to live on the reservations because they get benefits.  It's their choice.  The Native Americans are fine.  Their tribes are *wealthy* and the tribes are now finally putting that wealth to good use and putting Native Americans through college.  All compliments of reparations from Americans for its history.  You won't see that in a lot of countries.  Move on already.

  7. no one keeps us in the dark.  we are everywhere.  Just the US as a whole has forgot how to look for us.  You see a gurl and think to  yaself that was a cute latina, or a cute lil asian chick.  Look at my pic, I can pass as both.  But im  native, Alaskan native to be exact.  And as for mainstream society, most of us rather be at home taking care of our loved ones than prancin around like some Nichole Richey wannabe.

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