
Why do this habit with me all the time?

by  |  earlier

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Everytime, whether sitting, standing, lying on bed, watching t.v.. I have a habit of shaking my legs. People beside me make fun of me.

Why do I shake legs and can't get a control over it? I tried to control it many times but was unsuccessful.

Can anyone help me?




  1. Yep. It's RLS & it sucks. I've had it all my life.. people always say I'm high strung.. that I am always moving.. & I am!  Now that I am older, it really bothers me alot. I've tried the new medications, with no success. My brother has it too.. the docs say it's hereditary. When I was younger I used to practice relaxation techniques.. start with concentrating on my toes, making them relax.. & work my way up. It did work, but rarely anymore. RLS is linked to sleeping disorders. I did the in-hospital sleep test. Failed miserably! They say I rarely get any REM because when I start to go into that kind of a deep sleep, my legs start moving & it wakes my brain up just enough to keep me out of a good nights sleep! (why else would I be up at 4:30am writing this.. lol) Yeah- it's pretty frustrating! I suggest you get with your doctor on this & try some things he suggests. The medication may work for you.

  2. Maybe your having an o****m?!?!!?1

  3. I had a habit too. Always stuck my tongue out.

    And it wasn't nice.

    So, I get my tongue pierced.


    Try to think other things that can get rid of it

  4. restless leg syndrome. i have it too, but i dont know much about it. drives me nuts sometimes. if you find a way to get rid of it let me know.  

  5. My father hit me most of the time when i do it (unknowingly). i know its a habit but. good or bad i dont know..what is bad in it..infect my mind working more often when i shake my legs..when u r in some tension it automatically shakes..i think u can't do much about it...

  6. Called Restless Leg Syndrome. Ive got it and it sucks, balls.

    The best you can do is ignore it, really. That or go see a doctor about it (something I plan to do soon), they might give you some pills

    Meanwhile have a good attitude about it


    Its a problem in your nervous system, its not really a habit that you can break, its just the way your brain and nerves are set up

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