
Why do those of us LOVE Paris so much? I visited at Christmas?

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and just cannot get the yearning to go back out of my heart!! Do you feel the same and what is it about it that does it to you?




  1. I know exactly what you're talking about. I've been there three times, but only my most recent visit (about a month and a half ago), did I truely recognize my infatuation for Paris. Of course it has a lot of hype and is known to be one of the most beautiful and romantic cities of the world, but there is definitely something about it that affects some people differently than others. I am inlove with Paris ! I am actually trying to plan another trip this summer. There really is no place like it, it's much different form anywhere in the world, even other areas of Europe. I think the language is beautiful as well and I can speak it about 60% ish. You are definitely not alone on this one and just be grateful you have been touched by such a great city !

  2. <There's just something about seeing the most beautiful woman imaginable when you're standing in urine>

         Exta or mesca ????

  3. Great I am the only guy commenting here... DO you guys know I used to get teased as a kid because I knew French... Thank god I ended up being able to look down on all those little urchins eventually... but oh yeah the question...

    I love Paris simply because the whole city is ambiance. From waiting for a train at midnight on a deserted train platform, to sneaking in the back entrance of the Louvre. having a cup of Cafe at the bar, watching the world go by outside,  while the old man with the German Shepherd at the end of the bar does the same while stomping out a butt on the floor... (Oh yeah they banned inside smoking on New Years huh... that' just seems wrong for France)

    A walk through any park or garden with a baguette and some cheese and an orangina.. ( Ok OK I know some of ya don't liek Orangina.. but I do so NAH)

    A dinner out in the Latin Quarter or one of my personal small favorites, Restaurant Deux Ponts On Isle St Loius  (Say hello to Za Za the cat if you visit this restaurant. He likes a good neck scratch but he will drool on you if your good.) And then walk slowly by Notre Dam all lit up.... watching people... all happy, all enjoying themselves..

    walking up the canal from le Bastille on a spring day. coming up out of a metro station you've never been to and the new discovered neighborhood you found. ..

    Standing on Pont Neuf at dawn, right before the city moves at 7 sharp... you can still hear the birds along the banks... and thinking of someone who should be there with ya...

    That's partially my Paris experience. Hope you liked

  4. I love the art, architecture, the higher emphasis on life outside of work, the gardens & parks, the people, the way of life, etc.  I'd move there in a heartbeat if I could.

    Edit:  Michael M said it much better than me.  He captured my sentiments exactly!  I must make a note to go see the cat at the restaurant...

  5. I think its because Paris embodies a side of human nature that you don't find in many cities.  For all the slums surrounding the city and the angry people who live there, there is still so much beauty in the center.  This duality is obvious to anyone who steps into the metro.  There's just something about seeing the most beautiful woman imaginable when you're standing in urine.

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