
Why do those people at the New York Stock Exchange always clap their hands during the closing bell?

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You're watching the news where they're talking about the Dow having its biggest one-day point loss since 9-11, and crude oil being at $130 a barrel, and the lending crisis, and the jobs report being bleak....and then you look and see a bunch of douchebags standing around the closing bell of the NYSE, enthusiastically applauding as if a cure for cancer has just been discovered.

Does anybody else find this extremely annoying?




  1. They don't always cheer.  On really, really bad days, they'll boo.

    Mostly, they're cheering because they get out of work at 4:00.

  2. I've also seen them clap pretty strongly on an up day.  I don't really care what they do.  In the end, it counts for nothing.

  3. It's not annoying, especially when you lived that life

    Most of the time the floor people are just glad the day is over, and the pressure is off, and there are days when the boo at the bell,

    Just for a point of knowledge for you, they do not trade oil on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange

    It's must be nice to insult people that you do not know or know what they do for a living.

    Your ideas are that of a very immature, uneducated Liberal, I wonder what people would say about what you do for a living, at least they wouldn't denegrate it regardless of how stupid or unproductive it is.

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