
Why do those tv psychics only ever come up with half a name?

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I'm sensing a J, perhaps Jo, John, Joseph.....

why aren't any of those spirits brave enough to step up to the plate and declare their full name 'Joseph Hinchcliffe Wattleburg here to deliver a message to my dear wife in the audience!'?




  1. Because they're not really psychic.

  2. Yep, just because they are fishing to see which sucker is stupid enough to fall for their prompting.

    I have done it myself in a small group, to show them how these well practiced shonks manage to reel this information out of unsuspecting victims. Yes, they are victims. Victims of false hope given to them by sick individuals who prey on the weak and vulnerable for their own glorification. I think it is sick and these people should be ashamed of themselves at best. I would use stronger words, but I feel it would only make someone report this.

  3. I have not thrown out the possibility of psychics but I am positive most are complete frauds. It is all about money. People like Sylvia Brown make me sick. She gives false hope to grieving families, she preys off the weak. What kind of person does that?

  4. Spirits forget that the person they are trying to contact may not recognise them if they are speaking through a medium.

  5. I've always said, when someone dies why do they forget their last name, where they lived, but they can remember an aunt had a small dog????  Uh-huh.   Fishing, and preying on innocent people who are grieving in the process.

  6. And it's always coming from a side of the room, not anyone in particular.  Funny how John Edwards show isn't on anymore.  Apparently either people quit believing in his malarkey, or true psychic powers weren't interesting enough to tv viewers in the middle of the day.

  7. I am not personally a fan of psychics.  I believe most are fakes.  However, I have been wondering why, when a psychic is looking for a missing person, the missing person just doesn't tell them "I am dead and in a shallow grave in Big Bear Park by the old walnut tree near the rangers office."   I mean, you would think they would know, and I am talking about the missing person.

    But, what if they do not.   I do not believe they always know what happened to them.  Instead they describe what they can see.   And a lot of times it seems hard for them to even get a message across at it is, so what if they say only what is most important. Also, no one remembers anything the same way.  My children and I have had some rough times and I always tried to do fun things with them to give them good memories.  When I asked my oldest son what his best memory was growing up, it was not the camping trips or the trips to Six Flags or anything like that.  It was this one night when we had no money in the winter time and no oil for our oil furnace.  I put them in my room  and we got under the covers with my hair dryer on and that is how we kept warm all night.  One of my worst memories, but his best.  You can not predict what people are going to say, because they are all different, even after death.

  8. Because the energy required just to get that across - one half of the name - is phenomenal.  There is other information to get across too, so energy isnt going to be wasted on a second name.

    It is understandable why those who dont hear and dont believe so much would need to hear the name, address, rank and telephone number.

    It just doesnt work that way.

  9. why are you only able to pick up part of a conversation in a crowded room? what if your room that your in now is crowded with people that have passed would you be able to hear them if they are all talking?

    The card represents the critical factor for the issue at hand. Death, when reversed: Stagnation or petrifaction. The refusal to let go of the past. Resistance to change because of fear.

  10. I think you are right about the whole first letter thing but I have seen an example where the name was given but was misread slightly.   My daughter was given a message from a young man, she kept saying his name was Sally and she couldn't figure out why he kept telling her that.   She went to the person the message was for, telling him that a young man who claimed to be named Sally wanted him to know that he was with him.   It turns out that his best friend had been killed a year earlier and his name was Sal. Sal showed her details of his death, she saw it like a video,  so his friend would really know it was him. Getting a psychic message isn't quite like getting a verbal message from a living person.

  11. It is cold reading.

    REALLY. It is.

    They also get lots of info before hand about people so they know things about them, as well as the fact that they edit the shows a lot.

    Real psychics don't go on tv and sell their skills like that.

  12. psychics only repeat what they are shown. I have gotten names before but only first name. Spirits aren't always clear when they communicate either and there could be many reasons why....overly anxious, nervous, scared, and so on. Sometimes they don't even want to give up that much information so they tease the psychics.

    Recently I received images from a spirit, none of them made ANY sense to me until I repeated them to the homeowner. It was then I found out I was seeing small images of her ex-lover being murdered. I wasn't shown a literal movie of the murder, just small snippets that came at me very fast and were quite hard to decipher. The parts I was shown tho were quite significant, it was information that wasn't public knowledge in our area and I had never been to the location of where the murder took place so I couldn't have done any sort of research on the murder (let alone the fact I didn't even KNOW about the murder in the first place).

    When our team goes to a location for a paranormal investigation, the psychics on the team are NEVER given any information on the people or location. We are usually picked up so we don't even know where we are going until we arrive. This is to hold our credibility.

  13. all so-called psychics are frauds. sorry to bust the bubble for some of you out there. i remember seeing edward's cheesy, sleazy show. it was boring and so lame. i does sadden me that he is probably still reeling suckers in like the other psychics.

    but, like p.t. barnum once said about suckers "there's one born every minute"

  14. It's like when you call your wife on the phone. You dont say Hello Darlene, it's me your husband Joseph Cadwaller Binnington calling. You'd say Hello Doris? Doreen? Loleen? Maureen? it's me Joe calling....

  15. It's called cold reading.You've described the first step.It's an ancient trick people are still falling for.Anyone with a friendly/mysterious demeanor who doesn't want to work for a living.Here are directions on how to do it.I know it seems unbelievable but Barnum had it right.

    Edit.Maybe you're right.On the otherside people don't need more then one name.They just"know"each other,it's magic!

  16. Hello

    Being a psychic medium doesn't guarantee that you get names.

    I have worked with spirit for over 20 years & never get names! Personally I couldnt take the stress of Platform Mediums so good luck to them if they bring peace to another & most know who is try to get through.

    People always, also presume that spirit themselves are very good at communucating from the other side, sadly most are not as they do not wish to hurt or are lacking the experience etc.


  17. Lol hahahahahaaha that was fn funny! so true as should be a skit comedian.

  18. Mediums typically don't get details of names because spirits don't have names and often feel them to be irrelevant. There are however some mediums that get names all the time, with great accuracy too. Also, most mediums communicate clairvoyantly and clearsentiently rather than clairaudiently.

    Names aren't the most important thing in a spirit communication, the message is.

  19. I do think there are real psychics but the ones like you described, I don't trust them as far as I can throw them. It is cold reading like Rev Nice guy said. Just like many T.V preachers back in their hey day would have several broadcasts a day on several stations and they would pray using the law of averages like God is showing me Right now a vision of an elderly lady who has some money hidden in a jar in her  cabinet. God wants you to take that jar and  send that money here to do his work.

    Someone will have a john or James or some name with a J who is desperate just like the TV preachers knew someone would have just lost their job and turned on the TV and is listening to me knew that anyone who was in a similar situation would think it was them so therefore it was A MIRACLE.


  20. It's funny how obvious it is once you know the trick.  But, alas, for some the desire for it to be true overshadows the rational function of the brain.

  21. Because, uh, well getting one letter is like hitting one free throw, but getting all the letters in a name is like hitting 20 free throws in a row, and that's hard. It's like not every psychic can be a Kobe Bryant.  I'm sure that's why. You must believe me, I'm very scientific. I've read books.

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