
Why do those who support illegal immigration attack those who are against it as racist or xenophobic?

by Guest58724  |  earlier

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Proponents of illegal immigration inevitably paint critics as being anti-immigration (the US allows more immigrants through its borders than any other country in the world) and racist (ask 100 Black Americans how they feel about illegal immigration). Even hard-right denizens like Sean Hannity preface their criticisim of illegal immigration by stating they have no problem with legal immigration.




  1. It's like Obama supporters inevitably resorting to "if you don't support Obama you're a racist!"  They simply have nothing else to use..

  2. Because those who support and defend Illegal, Immoral, and evil acts become infected with the evils they support.  They feel their own self hate and must project that hatred on anyone who points out the source of their sin.

  3. They want to come off as self-righteous. I have not problem with legal immigration.  I don't even have a problem with illegal immigration.  My main concern is illegal immigration combined with a welfare state. Many illegals are low-skilled workers and would be extracting more from the welfare state than giving to it.  This would burden to the middle classes through the upper classes.

    These self-righteous opponents of illegal immigration are always very generous when it comes to other people's money.

  4. Natives were the first to be against immigrations! but it didn't work :x

  5. Because they cannot defend the illegality, they think they will shut you up by calling you a racist. That epithet has been so overused by the pro illegal immigration nuts , that it should be overlooked.

    I do not quite comprehend what part of illegal they do not understand

  6. You forgot Hypocrites!  I can only speak for the few that do that kind of name calling on here, but If you read through a lot of the anti's answers and questions, you will see why they are being called racists or saying they are xenophobic. They don't care if illegal immigrants are being beating and killed just because they are brown, they don't care the anti's are committing crimes themselves, and they sure don't care about our economy, because getting rid of them all would really bring our economy down. Most probably don't even know a Hispanic personally, let alone an illegal one.

  7. Because deep down they know illegal immigration is wrong and therefore,they can not back their stance with any real argument so they resort to name calling and bogus propaganda. Those people are also generally the ones profiting from the illegals in some way.

  8. Because they are racists and xenophobics ?

    According to Mark Twain, people in the USA in the XIX century hanged Chinese just for fun. Until the 1950s, in the south of the USA, once in a while some of those nice boys from the KKK also hanged African Americans

    In the 1960s, in  Miami were signs that said : "no dogs or Cubans allowed"

    I think that perhaps it might be possible that the USA could have a racist n**i streak, but nowadays they cannot show it because they know that they would have not much of public suport, but since they cannot rant against the legals, they rant against the ilegals, but their true feelings show despite their attempts to cover them

  9. I agree with maddog. They have no real reason to justify illegals being here and they don't want to face the truth as to the damage they are doing (probably because they are the illegal or are benefiting from the FREE stuff) and they play the race card. Which is so funny. If we were racist, we would be anti against ALL or illegal, chinese, japenese, french..etc. but I have never heard anyone say they were against LEGALS.

  10. It is due to the fact that they don't have anything else to go on so they play the race card.

  11. We are not anti-immigration!!! We are pro-LEGAL immigration and anti-ILLEGAL immigration. Democrats want more people (illegals) dependent on Government and Republicans want cheap slave labor!!

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