
Why do those with stars on their belly's think they a better then those with out?

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Why do those with stars on their belly's think they a better then those with out?




  1. I don't understand the question.  Are you talking about someone with a tattoo of  star?  I need more info and some clarification.

  2. We should all get stars on our bellys, that'll show em.

  3. My Father made more money when the Kennedy's in one week because of this very issue. He invented a machine that removed/placed stars on tummys. He found these sniches by the sea, some had stars and others didn't. The ones w/stars thought they were the s**z-nit. His machine put stars on their bellys. The ones who had them got pissed and he removed theirs. It went on and on.

  4. What?

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