
Why do thy say there is a shortish of driver when i talk to 2 or 3 a day looking for job in driving?

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Why do thy say there is a shortish of driver when i talk to 2 or 3 a day looking for job in driving?




  1. Where do you live?

    I can get you a job today if you want one.  

    As long as you have a clean license and can pass a drug test, there are thousands of jobs for truck drivers right now.

  2. The only reason you hear there is a shortage of drivers in the US, is to get rates lower. They say this to get approval to get things like the borders open for other drivers to haul cheaper freight. That is why Driver made a lot more money in the past than they do today. The hours that they work today, they get practically nothing for. I made the same amount of money last year that I made 15yrs ago. It is going backwards. The cost of living is going up but drivers are not being compensated for it. There is a lot more detail and I could go on forever. But I hope that this will get you to looking in the right direction and asking the right questions.

  3. According to a recent newspaper article, there will be a shortage of 20,000 truck drivers in 2008.

    You have to remember, different companies pay different rates, fuel allowances, etc. It's all in finding the right deal for you. These drivers are looking beacause they WANT to, and are looking for that deal. Yes, it's possible that these people you are talking to are unemployable due to driving record, drug use, etc.

  4. From where I am from there is a shortage of good drivers because of their bad driving records and companies do not wait that liability..............................

  5. I am assuming that you are talking about truck driving jobs.

    Come join the ranks and then you will find out.

    There is a shortage of drivers because a lot of these companies want you to just drive and drive at the expense of your safety, violations of both federal and state laws, weather conditions and your family!!!

    Trucking as come a long ways...I for one though did not go along for the ride.  I decided to drive for our local RTA instead!  I make about $20,00 less then I did on the road however I do not have the expenses of the road and at the RTA I have government insurance and a government pension which is more then trucking will ever bring me!!!

    I also have time for my family, my friends & time for church!  You will never have any of this on the road no matter who you drive for!!

    They don't call the American trucker the last of the cowboys for anything...if you have any kind of commitments at all I would not recommend trucking!!!

  6. Just because someone says they can drive, doesn't mean they can drive properly. Those 2 or 3 a day you talk to may have had accidents recently due to poor driving practices resulting in the shortages in drivers in your area. Hope this helps!!!!

  7. When I first started as a professional driver in the UK at the age of 19 years old you started from the bottom and worked your way up, in my case the oldest Austin Minivan on the fleet, in later years companies were hiring anybody off the dole queue with a driving licence that start the legend of "white van man" and all the bad press about poor driving standards, it seems at last that companies probably under pressure from there insurance companies are being more careful who they hire and that can only be a good thing.

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