
Why do toddlers not like to wear shoes?

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My friend has a 2½ year old son that always takes his shoes off,and it got me wondering why little kids don't like to wear shoes!




  1. My son is 15 months and he loves to wear his shoes. He even tries to put them on by himself. He also like to try and put on our shoes. Every toddler is different and it's probably just a comfort issue.

  2. Could be that the shoes are uncomfortable. Then again we are all different

  3. I was always wonder that same question! I think it's because they're not use to having these things on feet, so they find it irritating and uncomfortable. Even I prefer to not wear shoes as it's more comfy and my feet had more freedom than wearing shoes.

  4. because it is easier to balance, and they like to feel the ground

  5. Because they like to wiggle there tootsie toes!

  6. Lol.. Most likely because they want to feel the freedom and fresh air through their pudgy toes and feet. Maybe shoes kinda feel like a suffocation to their feet for them. =P

  7. they are annoying bare feet is soo much nicer and ur feet dont get sweaty or get blisters

  8. I don't like to wear shoes .. I take my shoes off as soon as I get home from the store or something .. My son has started to do the same.. It just feels so much better

  9. its so much better to be barefoot and im not even a toddler

  10. They want to be free of constraints and rules.

  11. they might got used 2 havin bare feet n when they wear shoes they wouldn't get used 2 it

  12. You have just spen 8 months getting ready to walk, 9 month in mom.  Now shoes !

  13. Guess I'm lucky!  lol  My daughter is almost 4 and has never given me a hard time about wearing shoes.  I understand the obvious reasons about being more comfortable without them, but she never seems to mind.

  14. I'm almost 30 and I don't like to wear shoes either. But I think my 2 year old doesn't wear them because when she does she gets ingrown toe nails really bad. So if its not cold I let her go without. If its really cold and she won't keep them on I just double up her socks.

  15. That's a good question.  My daugher is the same way.  When we get home, the first thing she does it take off her shoes.  Luckily she is willing to wear them in public!

  16. My twins are the same. I have lost their shoes so many times. Their bare foot at home. I think it has to do alot with balance and comfort.

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