
Why do toilet/personal hygiene and pub/alcohol questions?

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always attract many answerers. Anyone asking questions on any of these always get loads of answers and i mean double figures 40-50.




  1. I sometimes pose as a chef at a restaurant who's just been given a warning because the boss caught me not washing my hands after using the toilet and asking if its unfair for him to have given me a warning when the heat from the cooking will kill off any germs anyway.

    Trust me, that always gets people going. Particularly the yanks. I think they are bigger on hygiene than the Brits lol!!

  2. Yes i must agree, i have certainly noticed this. Also, i have asked a few myself, in fun, and the response has been excellent, with some great fun answers into the bargain.

  3. Is this why you posted this, hoping to get some!!

  4. Perhaps its because some people on here are full of c**p!!!

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