
Why do tornadoes occur in Uruguay?

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  1. Any place that is flat can have tornadoes.  The mix of cold air and warm in a temperate place like Uruguay increases the likelihood.

  2. the land is rather flat, and the hills, if there are any, are rolling and not very high nor steep.  Elevations (hills, etc.) make it a lot harder for tornadoes to create.

  3. Uruguay hasnt more tornados than another places. In USA, for example , they are more tornadoes in some states than in Uruguay during all the year,

    It is caused by the flat   land. Uruguay is in between the Cordillera de los Andes ( Andes Mountains) and the Atlantic Ocean. The shock of warm air from the north (tropics) and from the south (south pole) makes that.

    In spite of that.the damages arent as in the USA, bcoz the majority of the houses are build in bricks and not in wood.

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