
Why do traffic lights cost so much?

by  |  earlier

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Our daily news announced that 2 new traffic lights are going in in our area and bids were being taken. They (the city) have allocated $800,000 for both lights (with protected left turn...woo woo!!). My question is: Why so much for some cable and a few bulbs strung from a pole? Another question: Who decides we need these high-dollar devices that, in my opinion, waste fuel and slow traffic in most cases. We live in a small town and simple stop signs would work quite well.




  1. I used to work for a company in Dover, NH and we supplied a special potentiometer for a traffic light made by Eagle Signal.  Your question got my curiosity going so I googled it and came across this on ebay.  If you can go second hand, these will save you some bucks....

    Did you do competive bidding?  Check with some other towns close by?

  2. Traffic signals are somewhat complex and require programming.  Based on the premise that their malfunction could have terrible consequences, they must perform flawlessley.  So I'm sure they're not cheap.  But did the $800K also include the traffic study?

    Another factor at play is that government types aren't spending their own money....

  3. the price includes the electronic timeing devices, the road sensors ect. there is much more to traffic lights than bulbs on a pole

  4. The price includes complete installation.  Electrical wires need to be run underground and protected from moisture.  Foundations need to be put in to secure the the lights properly.  Sensors and timing devices installed.  All installations have to be installed according to code.

    The city counsel usually decides if the signal needs to be installed.  The state or federal government may install signals if the road is a state or federal highway.  Traffic surveys are usually conducted to determine if enough traffic uses the intersection to justify a signal light.

    I hope this info helps.

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