
Why do trains in the UK get delayed by leaves on the line?

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Why do trains in the UK get delayed by leaves on the line?




  1. As the train wheels run over the leaves, they get ground down onto the rail causing a buildup of carbon on the rail.  This buildup interferes with the signal system by making the train lose it's "shunt" which is the circuit created by the trains wheels.  When the shunt is lost, the signal system doesn't know where the train is.  The buildup of leaves on the rails also causes slippery conditions for the train.

  2. It happens all over, not just in the UK.

    The leaves cover the tracks and result in the train's steel wheels to slip on the rails. More difficult to get traction and move as quickly as without the leaves.

  3. HOw many leaves are we talking here?

    I suppose a whole truckload might be aproblem, here in the States I have ran over trees, snow avalanches, rock slides, garbage, bicycles, shopping carts, cattle, deer, elk, moose, and even a few leaves, so it must be a HUGE pile of leaves to stop a train, perhaps the leaves were still attatched to a tree??

  4. Because there are large numbers of deciduous trees in the UK which shed their leaves in the autumn and some of such leaves fall on railway lines with the results others have already described. More seriously, in steam days, line sides were cleared of undergrowth so as to reduce the risk of fire. These days, that is not a problem and trees are allowed to grow with the ensuing problems of leaves on the line. Network Rail does use trains which jet water etc. to remove the leaves (as in New Jersey), or lay a surface on top of the leaves which allow traction.

  5. have you seen how BIG they are it would take 2 really strong men to pick one

  6. oil on the tracks from the leaves and hard to get the metal wheels to get traction on the metal tracks. In New Jersey they steam clean the rails in the fall to remedy this situtation. Worst on hills.

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