
Why do turkish people act like <span title="europeans/walk/talk/dress/chase">europeans/walk/talk/dress...</span> european women ?

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i mean they change their ways to fit the european's desires




  1. Do Europeans have a certain style of walking? Good one. LOL

  2. Are they in the same continent?

    Besides they dont have to act a certain way!

    Thats just ridiculous.

  3. europeans have a different walk than non europeans? dam u must be some special person to be able to notice that.

    turks talk like europeans? there a single european language that all europeans understand and speak?

    europeans dress a certain way do they? as far as i can see every average person in the civilised world dresses normally in jeans,or t -shirts or suits for thier work and big warm coats in the winter?

    is there something im missing here?


    go away.

  4. No I agree I would much prefer them walking around naked on all fours not talking at all, or back up into the trees swinging around.

    Are you serious with this question ?  Just how old are you and does your parents know you have been wasting time on YA&#039;s instead of doing your homework.

  5. Well firstly they are not acting like &quot;europeans&quot;  they are acting like all &quot;modern&quot; societies  ..e.g  Japanese women also dress and act like this ( they are not european)  ..would you prefer they go round wearing Burkahs and be all timid and shy

  6. can you show me how can one walk like europeans.?

    you re unbelievable.probably you live in europe and you are jaleous with the Turks you see around you.

    you re jaleous.cause you are not look at people around you and you compare them to find the best behaviour to immitate.that s an ape to me.

  7. How do we change our ways? What&#039;s our way?

    You seem to know us more than we do. How do we talk? walk? dress?

    Genellemelerinizin hastasıyım.

  8. No they don&#039;t. Or maybe you think that they do just because they don&#039;t wear those fake, ugly Islamic clothes? even Christians and Jews used to cover up but it&#039;s the 21st century now not the 5th century, start living in the current time not a 1000 years behind

  9. Not all Turkish people are the same for a start as its a diverse culture with many different types of people.

    There part of Europe and they are entitled to act how they want.

    They competed in the euro 2008 and had an awsome run to the semis and wouldnt have been able to even compete if they werent part of europe.

  10. spossed to?  +&#039; mathematıcal shapes?

    sorry, allergic to them.. I prefer some authentıcıy.

    Just dont be so worried for Turks, even though they did act or didn&#039;ınt. they can overcome that!

  11. We don&#039;t act, walk, talk like Europeans, if we did, you wouldn&#039;t have to argue strenuously that Turkey isn&#039;t European with your other accounts, would you?

    You&#039;re just another troll. I&#039;ve seen your other answers, it&#039;s obvious.

    How come your men don&#039;t walk around in white skirts anymore? Are you copying off the Europeans? Your culture is assimilated, no?

  12. hi,

    are you sure?

    i don&#039;t agree with you and please check out this link for more info.about us...

    Who Are the Turks?

    by Justin &amp; Carolyn McCarthy,

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