
Why do typhoons and hurricanes occur only in the northern hemisphere??

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Why do typhoons and hurricanes occur only in the northern hemisphere??




  1. Well they occur in both the north and southern hemisphere. A hurricane is the name for a cyclone that forms only in the Altantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea or the Gulf of Mexico. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans, they care called cyclones, and some people in Australia will refer to cyclones as Willy-Willy's.

  2. Hurricanes are the same thing as a cyclone.

    In Australia (which is in the southern hemisphere)

    there are cyclones all the time

  3. Tropical revolving storms(which include typhoons and hurricanes) occur in both hemispheres.They occur between June and November in the Northern Hemispheres and between November and May in the  southern Hemisphere(ie mainly during their respective summer time).

  4. yes hurricanes are equivalent to monsoons and cyclones in the southern hemisphere

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