
Why do u hate arabs that much we done nothing?

by  |  earlier

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i want 2 ask this question to all americans, we never hated or disrespected u what happend in september 11 was a disaster of course but i am nehal am egyption and a muslim i want to tell u what terrorists really are they r a bunch of lost youth wiz no goal in life and they r brain washed by people who has a political intersts and they think that they r doing the right thing if u want to no about us read islamic books u will no that our religion is a peacful one who told us to love not to hate

plz take another chance u will c the truth we live like anyone else we go to parties we have proms we have fun but we love god even people who wear hijab they wear it with brightful colors not the black ones u c we r civilized we r like any one else




  1. I dont hate arabs or Muslims, but i do hate the people who hide behind the islamic faith and use Muhammad's words to attack innocent people. The only problem i have is with real Muslims not standing up to these terrorists if someone was useing Jesus's words to attack people i would take care of them. Thats my only problem

  2. Well, reading Islamic books (especially the Koran!) won't really help your cause.  I've read the Koran through 3 times, and it does nothing to allay my fears that, once Muslims gain a majority in a country, everyone else is SCREWED.

  3. I don't hate Islam or Arabs. So the why question can no longer be answered.

  4. I don't hate Arabs but I certainly don't have any love for the likes of Osama bin Laden (sp).  Saddam Hussein has never done one thing against the United States and no Iraqi was involved in 9-11.

    Unfortunately George HW Bush and his son, George W. Bush, are misguided, egotistical "warmongers" who were, and still are, trying to make a name for themselves.  As a result of the war in Iraq, my brother is dead.

    I'm sorry for the suffering the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have caused the innocent people of those countries.

  5. I don't hate Arabs, but I don't like the way women are treated in the Muslim religion.

  6. I do not hate Arabs.  To all people that do good things, I say "thank  you"; to those that do nothing, I say "do good things"; and to those that do evil, I say "destroy yourselves, not others."

  7. I know you're just like everyone else, you just have different beliefs. There's nothing wrong with that. And most of us don't hate all arabs and muslims only the ones with anti-american additudes. You can't judge our entire country by the select few who choose to hate anyone who isn't like them.

  8. I do not hate Arabs or Muslims...most that do are ignorant people who just follow the bandwagon of ignorance. I have Arab friends who I have been friends with a very very long time and they are just like any other person here; they just want to live a happy and peaceful life. Too bad many idiots around here are too busy trying to reinforce stereotypes.

  9. Arabs are fine it's extremist muslims we don't like.

  10. You've probably seen the time lines of the various incidents perpetrated by young extremist Muslims. While this is a generalization, it is one that contains an amazing amount of violence, all done by a related group. So it it not actually a prejudice, but a generalization from specific incidents. If I were you, I'd be really irritated by the members of a general group that I was associated with, that were giving me so much bad press, and think about what to DO about it. Just a thought...

  11. What upsets us is that you are doing nothing noticeable to root out the teachers of hate in your religion.  As long as the rest of the world has to try to stop the terrorists that your mosaics are producing then there will be ill feelings toward Muslims.

  12. Since I can not tell the difference between

    terrorists and peaceful arabs I will continue to distrust all who come from that country.

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