
Why do u hate mac? hmmmmmmmmmm?

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mac had instant search first... u hated it until windows stole it...

mac had widgets/gadgets first... u hated it until windows stole it...

mac had a mouse first... u hated it until windows stole it...

mac had icons first... u hated it until windows stole it...

mac had a desktop first... u hated it until windows stole it...

i could go on for hours just go try a mac u will like it better

and everything ppl say about mac is a lie like there is no software for mac... umm i just bought one and YES there is

so go try one and tell me what u think!!!




  1. Originals arnt aways the best. Ive tried Mac Os 8.1, Its sorta confusing because I download so many games for it and it doesnt work!

  2. this is why i hate mac.

  3. I have used Windows, Macs, Linux, and other operating systems.  The Mac OS has some nice features, but it's no better or worse than any of the others.  Each has its own strengths.  In the case of the Mac OS, Apple controls both the hardware and the software, which means they don't have to cope with all of the device drivers that Windows programmers have to deal with.  That means that the Mac OS 'just works' (except when it doesn't - I've crashed some so bad I've had to do a complete reinstall), but you pay for it through the nose.  I built a PC in November, and the parts cost me under $1000.00.  And equivalent Mac would have set me back approximately $3500.00.  While the Mac OS is nice, it's not worth that price delta.  Especially given that I'm not allowed to work on the machine myself.  And well over half the software I use at work and at home isn't supported by the Mac.  I actually fare better with Linux because there are more free apps for Linux to fill that gap.

    BTW, Unix had widgets, mouse, icons and desktop first.  Apple stole it from them.  Give credit where it's due.  

  4. I love how PC plays games and MAC only wishes they did


  5. I like Macs a lot. They're great for creative purposes.

  6. Price is a big issue.  Macs just aren't worth it.  And $699 buys you an extremely underpowered Mac Mini, with limited upgrade options.  The current Mini only supports up to 2GB of RAM.  There's no room for expansion within the case, and it doesn't come with a monitor, keyboard or mouse.  So the price is misleading - you need at add a minimum of $250 or so to buy the accessories.  And you can buy a PC with equivalent specs, with a keyboard, monitor and mouse, for under $500.00.

    Apple has a chance to take advantage of the Vista phobia by introducing a decent, low end consumer Mac.  So far they've shown no sign of interest in doing so, which means home brewers and value shoppers will stick with Windows.  It's frustrating, but the cost difference is key to many users.

    For the record, I've used Macs.  I have a G5 as a secondary machine at work.  I rarely use it due to a lack of software and because it's much more difficult to integrate into an office environment and active directory structure.  The Mac OS is okay, but nothing special.  Heck, it's built upon BSD.  Personally, I prefer System V unix variants.  And as has been pointed out, the innovations you cite were developed by MIT and used in Unix for years before Apple stole them.  

  7. Actually, I don't hate MAC. I just don't have one. Hope I can get one MAC OSX.


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