
Why do u need to reduce our waste and how can we ?

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Why do u need to reduce our waste and how can we ?




  1. Hmm, let's see, last I remember, the largest man-made thing on the planet is a landfill outside of N.Y.C........

      No-one making policy is talking about putting less people on the planet, & people like stuff.....

      Maybe we need to figure out how much stuff we actually need, & start making it to last longer rather than just needing to be replaced, but then you're interfering w/a minorities' profit margins......

  2. we need to reduce waste because most of the waste isn't recycled, and will not degrade for a very long time, if at all. this means that the waste is piling high in landfill sites! These are still there even if they are mostly out of sight...

    to reduce waste, try to buy products with less packaging or recyclable packaging

    recycle as much as you conveniently can

    reuse things, for example let children use yoghurt pots to be creative and make things, reuse plastc bags


  3. As industrial activities expand and our population increases we are using more resources and generating more waste. However, much of our waste could be:

    reused - for example, taking old books and toys to your local kindergarten

    recycled - for example, cans, paper and some plastics

    composted - if organic, for example, hedge and lawn clippings.

    Waste disposal is expensive and can cause environmental problems. The less waste we produce, the less we need to dispose of, and the more we use our resources sustainably.

    There are many things we can do to reduce waste. Find out how you can reduce household and business waste and check out what people in the Region are already doing to reduce waste.

  4. some answers are right. try to save energy because production of energy uses resources and it cause pollution for its generation. try also to recycle things that can still be used. we can't really avoid to dump waste so the best thing to do is to recycle and to consume less, if possible.

  5. "you" means the government rite?

    It's becuz the worlds is decaying.

    just dont litter and be reasonable as in not pick things that more than your needs

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