
Why do u think ,women are not as intersted in horse racing as men?

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Horse racing ,is an intersting sport ,it requires caculation ,mental agility patience,and keeps away women from worthless gossiping.




  1. I think we all have different interest. I am a woman and I love horse racing. I personally don't have time for worthless gossip, and don't understand why you would write that?

  2. Actually, the one and only reason it's interesting is because people bet on it....Anarexia is common in Jockeys and noone cares if they are 5 ft 1 and weigh 88 pounds....It takes skill on the horses part, not really the jockeys....unless you count smacking the c**p out of the horse as skill...

  3. I didn't think as you said.  Any individual, whether male or female, has own interests and horse racing is no exception and is not gender specific!

  4. Well thats a pretty sarcastic remark about women in general, shame on you.

    I love the sport of horse racing, and I am a woman. It is something I have enjoyed since I was a child and my mother would tell me what she knew about the great runners.  My daughter has taken a mild interest in horseracing also.   We are not a family raised around horses, and not even remotely close to a race track. But it is something that we all have taken an active interest in.

  5. I don't know why you think that men are more into horses racing. I know men are more into betting, but I find have not noticed that women are lessinterested. However, almost all of my female friends are horse people.

  6. because they are more interested in the horses, than the racing.

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