
Why do u think people likes texting instead of calling?

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Why do u think people likes texting instead of calling?




  1. its easier. In a lot of places you cant talk on your phone at, u have acess to still have a convo with someone by texting.  

  2. main reason is tht wen u txt, its much much easier to tell things to tht person

    plus a txt message cood go on for hours but if u were haven tht same convo over the phone, it most likely woodnt last 10 minutes.

    JUS EASY !


  3. because you don't need to say a bunch of stuff and talk for very long and you can respond later.  also, they might be in a place where they can't talk on the phone because someone else is talking or giving a tour or something.  

  4. Texting is easier when you dont feel like talking, and when someone dont pick thier phone up or you dont then if there is a text its better.

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