
Why do u think society discourages homosexuality? your sun/moon/rising?

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i know i should have posted this in the les/g*y/bi/trans section, but i was nervous i was gonna make somebody feel bad, because ive seen a lot of homophobic questions in that section that were just cruel, and i didn't want people thinking i was being homophobic.

so why do the majority of our people discourage homosexuality? and do you support or discourage it? your sun/moon/rising should be included too! thank you.

cancer sun

aries rising

taurus moon




  1. Society in general cannot accept things that are considered "unnatural" Maybe someday people will lighten p and learn to accept people for who they are but we are currently living in "the dark ages" when it comes to issues such as this. Men are typically the ones against homosexuality, I guess they think its going to rub off on them or something.

    I support homosexuality and all things g*y/L*****n/transgender/genderqueer and so on and so forth. I don't think anybody has the right to tell a person what is right and what is wrong when it comes to s*x between consenting adults.

    If homosexuals get their equal rights, whose going to want them next?

  2. The homosexual lifestyle is a deviation from normal and has always been discouraged by traditional cultures.  Although there were exceptions, such as some of the Greeks embraced homosexuality as well as factions of other cultures, but in general, homosexuality is seen as unnatural, going against the natural use of the human body.  That is not including the Judeo/Christian reasons for the condemnation of the homosexual lifestyle.  As of lately, the homosexual lifestyle is the cause for the creation of the AIDS epidemic in the USA.

  3. uhmmmm o.O kk i dont understand

  4. I think society discourages homosexuality because many persons don't understand it. I would not say that I discourage or encourage. I just accept people for whatever sexuality they wish to be with their own life.

    I have my own ideas based on scientific fact as I understand it. Here goes... The chromosomes trigger certain things to happen at certain times. When we are in our mother's womb, ALL brains start out as FEMALE, regardless of what the rest of the body is.

    If the body has XY chromosomes, then testicles start to develop. If XX chromosomes, then the testicles do not develop.

    I think chemicals which the body produces can alter men into women and women into men if too much is produced. If men are given estrogen, they grow b*****s and have a reduction in facial hair. So what happens if the brain of the baby in the womb gets soaked with too much estrogen? What if the testicles do not produce quite enough testosterone to completely transform the female brain into a male brain at that 7 week mark in the womb?

    Then, what if they have just a little bit too much testosterone at 7 weeks in the womb? Couldn't their brains start transforming into male brains, and the person eventually becomes a L*****n?

    I think we spend too much time and money focusing on wars and do not devote those resources to studying about ourselves and finding ways that we can all live together on the same planet... and love one another.

    <end soapbox>

  5. Alot of it is a Religious matter probably.  I discourage it because it is a "CHOICE"  i grew up hearing... "they are born that way" and it just isn't true. Everyone has homosexual thoughts but it doesn't make them g*y. the way i see it.  This is usually how it goes from what i seen, In both g*y and lez relationship there is a Manly person and a famine person. If both ppl wait a while then hey.  a girly man with a manly female..  works out great from what i see.  aside from that.  2 g*y couples are just wasted space since they arent gonna have kids so whats the point if you don't give live

  6. because some people  are stuck in their close minded ways and refuse to be open minded or open to change... they cannot accept the fact that some people were born this way

    and yes i accept homosexuality..

    im a saggitarius but i think my sign has nothing to do with my open mindedness or views on acceptance  etc

  7. Because homosexuality is an abnormal is unnatural,immoral,and an abomination in the eyes of the Lord Almighty,our Heavenly Father and Creator of all mankind!

    being a sexual deviant and engaging in promiscous behaviors has brought about the widespread diseases such as AIDS or HIV and many STDS as well as unwanted pregnancys.

    lying by saying its diversity or politically correct is just a grandiose stand to condone immoral and sinful behavior to try and be popular.the truth often isnt popular but its always the truth.

    you should never lie just to make people comforatable for living in sin they deserve to know the truth,everyone does.choose your path but there are consequences for every choice you make that is true for us all.good luck!

  8. o m g

  9. most people dont encourage it because it is not traditional, not natural, its new, something theyre not used to, and theres religions and people who strongly believe that its just plain wrong. our society today maybe different, modernized, more improved, or just changed all together, but it is still based on the natural and traditional ways of humanity. such as s*x being only between two different genders. thats just natural. even animals are that way. so many people believe that its just a human-made confusion. also, because it seems to be destroying the meaning of family. you cant have off springs of a family with the same gender. thats just not natural. personally though, it doesnt bother me.  

  10. For the same reason other minority groups into pedophilia, bestiality, sadism, and masochism are discouraged, they're all minority groups of sexual deviants, not natural and should be discouraged. Do you believe that a group such as NAMBLA should be encouraged?

    Don't know about suns and moons rising and descending, but I'm a Pisces.

  11. I dont discourage it, I have a 5 yr old sun and I have always been very comforterable showing his feminine side, he likes playing w dools just as much as he likes playing w cars, in the end i know if he does turn out to be homosexual it doesnt define him as a person. I always hate when people say things like so and so is a g*y man , nobody would go up to somebody heterosexual and say so and so was a heterosexual woman.  The only thing I can say is that  it does seem like a harder life because people are so critical, its important that family really accept them first because that will make them much stronger to accept criticism from other people. In conclusion I have no idea  what sun/moon/rising is.

  12. Hi Shady,

    Being g*y myself i think that a lot of it comes from ignorance,and being close minded about people who are different in some way,and the people who are "homophobic" ,and make rude comments about homosexuality are probably hiding some secret themselves if you know what i mean,because think about it if it bothers them so much,and they have so much hatred inside of them for g**s then there must be a reason for it you know what i mean,because society looks down on you if you don't fit into a certain mold,but in my own experience i have learned to over look those who act like being g*y is soo bad, so i definitely don't discourage anyone who is g*y or is struggling to come out,because it's a process in itself to come out to be who you truly are.I even support g*y marriage! I mean if i wanted to get married to my partner i don't think that there should be anyone who would stop me from having the same right to do it even if i was a straight person.Society is just cruel thats just how it is,and they don't care about anyone who is different,but learning to be strong and keeping your head up high will show them that "you" are strong,and by not letting them get to you when they do.Homophobia is just bad at any rate or any way you look at it,because even if you aren't g*y you can be disgusted with how people can be so ignorant about an issue thats never going to go away,and the best anybody can do is just ''try" to accept it even if they have a hard time with it or don't agree with it.A lot of g*y couples that i know of are more happier and have been together for a longer time than any other straight couples that i know,and i think thats because g*y couples have more of an incentive to stay together because they understand prejudice more where as straight couples don't have to go through that kind of stigma.Don't get me wrong though we still go through the same problems that straight people do with abusive relationships,and heartbreak,but what makes us different is that we have to have the courage to overcome those challenges.

  13. Of course I support homosexuality. I might be straight, but I think it's ever so beautiful. So lovely to see a man loving a man and a woman loving a woman. Celebrities like Samantha Ronson and Lindsay Lohan are practically endorsing homosexuality! I don't have a problem with it but I do have a major problem with homophobes and their complete stupidity. I suppose it's just a matter of opinion, but if you can't accept somebody for who they are (homosexual), why should I bother trying to accept you for who you are (homophobic?) I have no idea what the sun, rising, moon thing is, by the way.

  14. I think people discourage homosexuality because of fear, ignorance, and intolerance. We have no right to tell other people how to live their lives as long as they aren't harming others. Sure you might think it's weird or creepy, but get over it. It's none of your business.

    And I have no idea what those sun/moon/rising things are, so yeah...

  15. I think it's because the bible says it should be man and woman.  

  16. Well I would definitely say it's the Church's fault that its frowned upon in society. I know the church doesn't have much influence these days, but in the past they did and its surprising how many of society's values can be linked back to those of mainstream religions.

    (gemini sun/ virgo rising/ cancer moon)

  17. Majority of the people aree afraid of the unknown.

    I'm all for it - if that's what your into.

    libra sun

    cancer rising

    capricorn moon.

  18. Society has it's ideas and hates change, anything you don't understand it's normal to fear and that is society's problem.

  19. Most of Society isn't as open minded as I and most of their friends have not come out the closet like mine have. People are scared of the unknown, and being homosexual is something that is unknown to them.  I believe we are all Gods children and he made us just the way he wanted us. People have been brain washed by the Church and State for centuries on this. Even though the majority of Priests in the Catholic Church are homosexual themselves.  Just give it time and all will be accepted, just ask the Irish.

  20. They don't..good luck

  21. What does Astrology and Horoscopes have anything to do with this question? Either way, to answer your question, I believe that some people discourage homosexuality for different reasons. Some people will claim it's because "the bible says so" even though in my opinion the bible was written back in the days when women were also still treated like cattle and also it contradicts itself many many times through out the book...And some people are just afraid of what they don't understand. The way I look at it is,  The only person I can control is me. So why should I worry about whether 2 girls or 2 guys want to be together. Their relationship is nothing I can control. So I could complain till I turn purple or I could let life run it's course and let them decide for themselves what they want to do with their lives.  

  22. The majority discourage because they fear what they don't understand. I completely support, if you couldn't guess by my avatar lol.

    Leo Sun

    Libra Moon

    Cancer Rising

  23. mostly based on religious beliefs and the fact that they are "different" to our society.

    I don't even care if someone is homosexual. I mean, God loves everyone.... anyone who didn't get that message and puts up "God hates homos" signs are obviously overlooking the Word of God and he was and still is displeased when they do such hurtful things.

  24. Society can go f*ck itself on this issue.  I don't need societies approval, but I will get my rights.

    "so why do the majority of our people discourage homosexuality?"

    -Ignorance.  You can't discourage it, being g*y isn't a choice.  If you are straight and you are against OTHER people being homosexual you are a bigot, simple as that.  Your religious beliefs don't matter to me, so don't try to justify your hate with scripture.

    -"Because homosexuality is an abnormal is unnatural,immoral,and an abomination in the eyes of the Lord Almighty,our Heavenly Father and Creator of all mankind!

    being a sexual deviant and engaging in promiscous behaviors has brought about the widespread diseases such as AIDS or HIV and many STDS as well as unwanted pregnancys.

    lying by saying its diversity or politically correct is just a grandiose stand to condone immoral and sinful behavior to try and be popular.the truth often isnt popular but its always the truth.

    you should never lie just to make people comforatable for living in sin they deserve to know the truth,everyone does.choose your path but there are consequences for every choice you make that is true for us all.good luck!"

    -Thanks for proving my point about ignorance...

  25. I think that people don't embrace different views as much as they should. So yes, they do. And its kinda.....depressing, don't you think? That our society cant take a couple of steps forward and welcome different views.

    I think that our society discourages things that don't seem "normal". When really, love shouldn't be categorized as a man and woman. Love is love. And it can be between any two people, gender shouldn't play such a major role.

    I do support it. And if I was homosexual, I certainly wouldn't be ashamed to tell people.

    Virgo Sun

    Sagittarius Moon

    Sagittarius Rising

  26. The reason being is because... h**l there realy is no reason to be homophobic just people are scared they will turn g*y i guess. If your g*y you have pride! you will be considered normal the more g**s there are.

  27. Big question...

    For starters. thousands of years ago there were a lot less humans than there are now. Having children was part of surviving. Homosexuality was viewed as a threat to survival. But whenever you had a major civilization spring up, homosexuality was accepted. Look at the ancient Greeks and Romans.

    I also think that we (ie America) are a very sexually repressed society. Look at all the p**n and sleaze everywhere. These days we expect 15 year old girls to be tarted up and marched around on display. Our sexual roles are all tied up in our self image. Men are supposed to be tough and in control. Women are supposed to be desirable. No role reversing permitted.

    Look at how quickly we jump on anyone outside the norm. Male artists and dancers are "funny." Women who drive trucks are "funny." If we weren't so afraid of our sexuality, we wouldn't be afraid of people whose sexuality is different than ours.

    Cap Sun

    Taurus Rising and Moon...

    but more important:

    Venus opposite Uranus & square Neptune.

  28. Riiiiight.....

    The sun moon thing messed me up, but I think that most people are just stupid and fear what they don't understand.

  29. because they think men and women should only be together not man on man or girl on girl ya know i myself don't support or discourage it i have 2 cousins who are g*y and i think it's up to that person wether they want to be g*y or not i don't mind g*y people at all because i look at them as an individual not what they have chosen to do in life

    scorpio sun

    aquarius rising

    taurus moon  

  30. because it is a sad life

    it does not perpetuate the species so it is against most peoples survival of the species instincts

    and well most people want their kids to be happy

    and have grandchildren

  31. yea they do

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