
Why do u want to work in retail?

by  |  earlier

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how would u handle a rude customer?

what would u do if u saw someone stealing in ur store?

why do u want to part of our company?

what are u looking for in a job?

can someone help me with these questions i have a interview in the morning and im lost?




  1. I've been in retail. The first thing that they teach you is the customer is always right, even when they're not. If I had a really bad customer I would just turn them over to my supervisor. Worked every time.

  2. 1/ because its a great challenge to sell something face to face, and retail is the best way to do it.

    2/keep smiling..., take control the situasion and costumer always rigth. why...because you want them coming back!

    3/ (i didnt know what company is it)  because this company had a future to move a head. not just become a sales person all the time.

    4/ possible careerr move , experience,.

    and what would you do if you saw someone stealing??

    ->calm, talk properly with the guy, if you cant handle the situation call the manager or security...!

    hope this is help sweety ....any futher question simply ask me.

  3. Regardless of where you work, you have to deal with people, unless you want to live like a hermit.

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