
Why do u women cry so much?

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I mean it blows my mind somethings girls will cry over. And why do girls for some odd reason out of nowhere start to tear up and cry, and I will ask what is wrong and they can't give a reasonable explanation




  1. It's hard to explain something you can't understand. I know for myself when im pms-ing i can feel it creep up the back of my neck. I know it's coming, but there is nothing i can do about it. I get ovewhelmed with emotion and anything can trigger me. Seriously, it isn't easy being a women. People who know me, know to just stay away and let me be, it will pass. I dont go out of my way when im like this to get in someones face, all i want is to be left alone.

  2. I think first of all that is a generalization. I personally do not think that I cry a lot (very rarely actually), and only when something bad has happened-- and I am female. I think it is true that women cry more than men, but only because it is not as socially acceptable for men to cry. If nobody in the world cared or ever had cared, I think men would cry as much as women.

    I personally don''t think that menstruation have much to do with emotions... but that is just my opinion. More often that not I'll be mad a lot, rather than sad.  

  3. because they dont have p***s's

  4. That is normal, at an age all girls cry at 12,13,14.

      I cannot understand you guys who never say anything.

  5. How do you make a hormone? Don't pay her. Hi-yo!

  6. Because they feeler free to show their emotions.  Society can have the stigma that men shouldn't cry.  There is nothing wrong with emotion.   Because that specific person is obviously focused on other things, they may not feel like answering your questions, which I would find insulting, if I was so upset I was crying over something, and you ask me "why do you women cry so much"... My emotions would turn to anger, and I wouldn't want to waste time with you.  

  7. Why do guys punch walls and each other?

    People deal with emotions in different ways.

  8. It is merely an expression of strong emotion.  Men have their ways of expressing emotion.  They're just taught from an early age that it's not manly to express them.  But we all know they do, just in different ways.  Women connect to other people and situations through emotions.  When we feel such strong emotions, even if we're not complete sure what the emotion we're feeling is, we have to express it.  A good analogy is that tears are the pressure valve of women's emotion.

    There is nothing wrong with expressing emotion the way we do.  It does not make us weak.  In fact, it sometimes shows greater strength to express emotion than to bottle it up or internalize it.

  9. its because of menstrual cycle(period). it does indeed fluctuate hormones in our body and also they use up some of the chemical mediators that are important for our mood like sodium ! this is why they get mood swings n they can be very sentimental for no reason..u just hav to put up wid it. or find a girl who can get hold of herself better.. and there are such girls dont worry..

  10. Odd neuroendocrine (flux) makes women such unusual creatures.

  11. Hormones.  During ovulation and menstruation, our hormones go berserk.  

  12. It's because of hormones.

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