
Why do umpires use different arm motions when a strike three is called?

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Why do they use them , period?




  1. To let people know that it was strike 3,some stadiums are loud so the umpires make a noise, the crazy arm motions are just to let the fans and the batter know that was strike 3.

  2. because they have different arms

  3. As an umpire, I like to be more emphatic on strike three for the simple reason that the hitter is  now out. That let's everyone in the ballpark know it. I suppose I could be more demonstrative for strike one and two, but it might be a bit more tiring over the course of a game.

    As to why umpires use signals - it actually has nothing to do with the fans. Originally, umpires did not use them.But, somewhere around 1887, a player for a team in Oshkosh, WI. named William Ellsworth "Dummy" Hoy, who was deaf, asked his third base coach to hold up his left arm when a pitch to him was a ball, and his right arm when it was a strike. Eventually, umpires started doing this as well. Hoy also is credited with inventing the upraised right arm as the out call, and the spread arms, palms up for the safe call, actually adapting them from American Sign Language.

  4. most umpires myself included like to punch out that third strike we use them for a number of reasons being not evryone can hear you but the can see you..the third strike also lets you personalize your call

  5. umpires are supposed to use some sort of hand signal to call the batter out because it's a foolproof way to show the call. The also yell but often you can't hear due to noise in the stadiums. Different umpires do it differently due to own personal preferences.

  6. because some or most umpires don't want to be original like people in everyday life they want to put their own style into it

  7. For a YOU'RE OUT as opposed to STEERIIIKEEEE!!!!!

    they use them as tradition from when there weren't fricki'n humungous LCD SCOREBOARDS

  8. just so they can have there own unique way of calling the fans/player know the person is out

  9. because

  10. all umpires have diffrent strike call

    i do the normal one  trun to the side and pull my hands back and say "stirke three"

    i think lol

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