
Why do unhinged BDS libs whine bout the Govenor of Alaska 'lack of experience', when Hussein doesn't have any?

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Why do unhinged BDS libs whine bout the Govenor of Alaska 'lack of experience', when Hussein doesn't have any?




  1. Their hypocrites. Rather common with liberal scum. It's funny because if they attack her for lack of experience they are indirectly attacking mr. socialist.

    I was skeptical but the more I learn the more I seem to like her.

    And this picture of her makes me feel all fuzzy inside as they also can't really attack her for this as they might rile up the gun owners that cost them the last two elections: That makes me happy.

    Just think if the liberals managed to p**s off the gun owners of America all over again instead of just the people online whom spread the truth that obama thinks the 2nd ammendment is worthless and self-defrense should be a crime. If they all knew how he really thinks and what he plans...

  2. I guess as some from Fox News said she is an expert on foreign affairs because Alaska is close to Russia.  Perhaps she learned to govern from e-bay.

  3. Because McCain keeps telling everyone that Obama doesn't have enough experience, yet he chose Palin, who has almost exactly the same amount of political experience as Obama.

    The only thing is, Obama has a long history of being a community organizer, and he taught the Constitution. In other words, he has a record of leading people.

    Plus, Biden has 30 years of experience in the Senate, so you would think McCain would choose someone more experienced to challenge that fact, especially when Biden is very strong on foreign policy.

    Palin was a bad choice.

  4. Double standard. And the sad thing is he is the presidential candidate and she is just the VP.

    It's ok for Obama to be inexperienced, but not a republican VP. Total double standard. But would you expect anything less?

  5. Senators just talk.  They talk about polices, propose polices, and vote on policies.

    Mayors govern, Governors govern, and presidents govern.

    As mayor, and now as Governor, Palin has an approval rating of 85-95%. That is incredibly high!

    She kept her campaign promises to her constituents. She had a PLAN for the things she said she was going to do and she initiated those changes right away.

    Obama has not communicated a plan for anything he has proposed.  Palin already has a history of creating plans and following through. Being a Governor is far more relative to being president than a Senator.  IMHO, Palin is a better choice than Obama, by far!

  6. Governors=Executives    Congressmen=Obama pushing the 'Present' button.  Voting and making major decision is a different thing.  Obama hasn't run/ran anything his entire life.  Maybe a lemonade stand in 1969.  Serioulsly  as a Masters Degree holder....I question the intelligence of voters througout this country.  I hope they'll do the right thing.

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