
Why do unmarried men have more power in their relationships ? It seems they can be more assertive, get more?

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demands met and have to deal with infinitely less nagging than their married counterparts.

Why is it guys in an unmarried relationship have more power and authority ?




  1. Yup, I must admit, single life is good!

    Don't have to worry about no one but yourself.

    Only have to pay your own bills.

    You only have your own time to manage.

    The good definitely out ways the bad in this situation..........

  2. It truly seams that way, yes

    best to be single and cast your nets out, be the Man!!

  3. If they're married, they are "stuck" in a house with a nagging wife and screaming kids all the time.  That stress (on top of the daily stress from their job) can add up and wear a guy out.

    Single guys, on the other hand, can just simply go home if the nagging becomes a problem and/or if his stress level is too high at the time.

  4. Yes, marriage is for fat girls.

  5. Because women present themselves in a FALSE light until they get you to commit and fall in love. Then they show their REAL self because they know its "safe" at that point. Usually, there are kids in the picture and too much invested on the mans part to leave.

    Very SLICK. Women are like used car salesmen.

  6. They can escape easier.   lol

    If you choose the right woman marriage is not like that and adds tremendously to your quality of life.  I have often chosen well for girlfriends and cut my losses and moved on quickly during the rare mistake.

  7. Unmarried men have no power over any woman unless she relinquishes it to them.  Unless the relationship is formed under duress, a woman can walk out any time she wants.  And so can he.  It's called equality.

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