
Why do us americans feel like federal disaster aid is owed to us?

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i live in iowa, and read in the paper that some iowans were complaining that federal disaster aid was slow in coming for their flooded homes...i saw the confusion in katrina...i see million dollar homes on the coast being replaced, burned homes in california..etc...what event in our history started this?...why do taxpayers always have to foot the bill? and why do we feel it is the government's responsibilty ti run to our aid?...shouldn't private agencies do these things?




  1. I live in California and the recent earthquake cracked my pool and damaged the servants quarters out back.I need government help and I need it now.I have a back yard and swimming party next month.

  2. Can private agencies really afford to help all those that are in need of it during a disaster, especially one as big as Katrina? Why can we "help" Iraqis but not our own citizens?

  3. If we haven't learned anything from Katrina.  It is not to depend on the Government for aid.  

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