
Why do us white/caucasian people have more of a variety appearance wise as apposed to other races?

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Not trying to stir the pot or be racist, but I am just curious. You see white people with red/blonde/brown hair and blue/green/brow/hazel etc eyes but most other races have one hair color and one eye color...why? Once again not trying to be mean if it seems that way, I am honestly curious.




  1. Whites are genetic mutations that weren't supposed to happen, the human race was meant to be one identity, Brown Skin,Black Hair,Brown Eyes. Even so there are occasions where Blue/Green/Light brown eyes or reddish tinge or brown hair would appear in Non White peoples.

  2. its perspective dude.

    A chinese person walking down the streets of a city in china probably can tell the difference between people, and can probably notica alot more differences. same applies for all other races. I wouldnt doubt some people think all white people look the same. As for america, alot of it is changing contacts for eye colors and dying hair, maybe they dont do that so much in other places. It may also have to with the fact that America is a fusion of Cultures, as white people in Germany would probably tend to be more Blonde hair/blue eyed types, and also that people in Italy would have more black hair....

    pretty much, lol

  3. Maybe we just get bored easily.  My hair is currently brown, but my eyes have always been gray-blue.  Sometimes my eyes look turquoise, green or gray depending on the color of shirt that I wear.

  4. Not trying to be racist but white people are albino mutants so that is the reasoning behind all the scary eye colors and the string like hair. Don't believe me, read  Leviticus.  

  5. cool, idk

  6. most other races have one hair color and one eye color...because they have one heart .

  7. It is probably to do with our environment. If you was to travel the world, the hotter the place the darker and less varied the people become. They need to have dark skin and dark hair to cope with U.V rays. As for the other tributes i have no idea. I supose that the eyes are also to do with th sun rays. I expect that light coloured eyes are more susceptible to damage from the sun.

    I honestly don't really know but it seems logical to me that it is to do with our environments.

  8. The natural selection thing someone said earlier probably hit the nail on the head.  Other groups came to have one hair and eye color (dark and dark) out of necessity. Variations from this gene pool probably died because of their inability to survive.

    In European areas, people's survival was less dependant on skin color, and variant skin tones were not likely to significantly affect ones survivability.  This ultimately led to greater variation.

    In response to the "Leviticus" quoter, all humans are 'mutants'  All humans are the products of hundreds of thousands of evolution and natural selection, each group acquiring traits specifically useful for their current environemtn.

  9. White people are NOT the only ones.  

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