
Why do vegans complain the most about global warming?

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If they are so concerned, shouldn't they be chowing down on cows, pigs, sheep etc. to help cut down on CO2 and methane?

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm getting sick and tired of picking up the slack for people that won't eat any animal products. I can only eat so much lamb and veal. Does anyone else think the vegans should be a little less self centered and help with the global warming issue by eating some meat? Since they seem to complain the most I think it's the least they can do.




  1. Sadly they believe low fat is good  for you.

    They are short in a key fatty acid called Docosahexanoaic Acid = DHA  -  A key component in the brain & eyes.

    This explains why they appear to have a malfunctioning brain.

  2. That is the most foolish thing I have ever read

    Being Vegan / Vegetarian is better !

    More Veg*ns = less demand for meat= less animals=less C02( equivalent - its CH4 really)

    The animals are only there because you want to eat them.

    I think you need to put more thought into your questions next time.

  3. If you denied yourself rich, tasty complain about everything, too!  Ever notice how gassy they are?  I guess if you eat like a cow, you'll f**t like one, too.

  4. people who don't eat meat lack certain chemicals and therefore are more aggressive don't forget Hitler was a vegetarian

  5. it's like America is the only country that is worried about global warming.. America is doing most of the work!! But where is the other countries!?!??  Where's europe or asia or japan or any other country??? This is not "America" warming!! This is NOT "AMERICA WARMING"!  This is "GLOBAL" WARMING!!! "GLOBAL", that mean it involves us all. This effects everybody! This is our and our children's future we are talking about here! C'mon people! This really upsets me, I'm don't want to talk anymore

  6. They did a segment on one of those "60 Minutes" type shows and found that one of the biggest threats to global warming is all the methane gas (farts) from cattle bred for consumption. So the more meat we eat, the more cattle we have to raise, then more methane is released into the atmosphere. Vegetation produces oxygen, vital to life on earth.

  7. global warming is far from proven.  but yes, i would appreciate anyone who eats some cow

  8. cause their usually liberals/socialists,   and they rarely do enough research on the things they fight for.

  9. Cause all the plants are dying

  10. the more animals you eat, the more the meat industry produces...

    the main problem with CO2 isn't from animal products...

    are you sure they are all vegans?

    I hate when people complain about complaining.  Does that make me a hypocrite?

  11. they're angry because they want to eat real food

  12. Most of the vegans that use the global warming argument are actually "save the animal" zealots, willing to use any argument to get people to switch to their view. They don't care about CO2 as much as they care about animal cruelty. They will also tell us how bad it is diet wise, how it pollutes, instead of just sticking to the animal cruelty argument. the extreme of this is the groups that bomb business and harm  people for being cruel to animals.

  13. haha i feel the same way buddy ... my buds a vegan but its not my thing... geez fish dont have feelings and cows are just dumb but delicious

  14. I'm sure that the companies which slaughter and prepare the animals are producing more toxins that damage the earth than the animals themselves, also, they are not killing the animals that would exist anyway, they are breeding the animals, therefore, the animals that exist for us to eat, would not be here if the companies didn't exist, therefore, they would not be producing the co2.  I respect vegetarians and vegans, I would be one if I didn't love meat so much.

  15. Because they need the protein that is only found in meat.

  16. i honistily have no idea

  17. because they are a bunch of cult hungry morons who have nothing better to do then criticize the world.

  18. Because they only not care about theirselves. They also care about the health of the animals. Mostly all vegans care also about the environment. Like, not using hairspray because it affects the ozone. Most vegans are like that. :]

  19. It takes so much energy to produce animal meat, adding to global warming- the methane problem is nothing compared .... besides, if we consume less then the demand is less, they would not have to have as many farting animals roaming around.

    Here are some facts:

    Animal protein production requires more than eight times as much fossil-fuel energy than  production of plant protein while yielding animal protein that is only 1.4 times more nutritious for humans than the comparable amount of plant protein, according to the Cornell ecologist's analysis.

    "If all the grain currently fed to livestock in the United States were consumed directly by people, the number of people who could be fed would be nearly 800 million"

    (By the way, I'm not even a vegan, but I understand the importance of limiting the amount of meat we eat, for our planet and our health.)

  20. Vegans are just people who want to be "different" and "chic."  It's trendy to be vegan and drive a hybrid and drink non-fat soy latte mocha chino delights with whipped cream and cinnamon.  Buncha losers if you ask me.  They have a "holier than thou" stench about them.  I don't know about you, but I like regular black coffee, gas guzzling SUV's, and a good ol' cheese (from an aerosol can) drenched grade A cheeseburger with a side of dead kittens and dolphin meat.  Fu*k vegans.

  21. You stand for a c**p society.  May your flag burn in h**l.

  22. lol

  23. Vegans are stupid...when i was working in a kitchen one time we had a vegan ask for a veggie i slipped him an all american beef patty from Red Robin and he seemed completely fine until i told him the next time he came in

  24. Maybe they tend to pay more attention to things? Also, your logic is twisted about eating more cows and pigs and whatnot to help cut down on CO2. The more meat people eat, the more the industry will produce. Why do you think they are using growth hormones and cloning? If less people eat meat, there is less demand for it. Mind you, I still eat meat, however, I've been thinking about giving it up in the next maybe two -three years. It isn't about the meat itself, but all the antibiotics they feed the animals. And we are wondering as a nation why is everybody so ill...

    Also to the person who thinks that only America is concerned about global warming : the Bush administration was the only one who didn't sign a treaty in  Kyoto a few years back. Europe has already cut down the fuel emission of their cars.

  25. Someone that eats only vegatables mustknow that there are plants that eat animals, and somewhere, maybe sometime there were man eating plants, grass and simple adornment plant life, now live from decomposing people. " Pushing up daisies" is the botanical term. They have all the freedom to eat plants only, but no authority to force others to stop eating porter-house steaks.

  26. What does meat have to do with it? That doesn't mean we have to eat them. There are a lot of pigs and cows because humans eat them, otherwise there wouldn't be so many. I am a vegan, but I am not self-centered. If everyone were to eat meat, because of your lame reason, there would be a higher demand for it and they would make more. And the sellers would be happy because they are making more money, and that's all they care about. They don't care about our health, they give those animals hormone pills and other pills to fatten them up so there will be more meat so they can make money.The more meat you eat the more you support animal cruelty. Why do you care that vegans don't eat meat? If you want to eat it then fine, it's your life and you can cut it short if you want.

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