
Why do vegetarians have a reduced risk of developing diabetes?

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Why is it that the vegetarian diet reduces the chances of developing diabetes, whereas a meat-based diet may contain fewer starches/sugars?




  1. Vegetarians and vegans are less likely to be obese, for one thing, which is a major risk factor for type II diabetes.

  2. oh is that the reason?

    i thought it was because of the lower protein base.

    no one in the world needs an average of 30g protein daily... which is a base of the meat diet.

  3. I believe that vegetarians are more health conscious in general. They therefore lead more active lives, avoid twinkies, etc. It is a combination of healthy living and diet that reduces the risk for diabetes. Also, vegetarians are not usually overweight, so that in itself drastically reduces our risk for developing diabetes. My diet is primarily vegetables, soy, and nuts, so I bet mine consists of fewer carbs than a carnivore!

  4. Because veg*ans eat healthier and better whole and natural foods foods. We also tend to not be obese as obese is a risk factor for diabetes. Animal flesh based diet contains more starches and sugars by the way. This link may help explain more:

  5. - Vegetarians eat very little to no cholesterol

    - Their diets are also low in saturated fat.

    - The tend to be high in fiber and phytochemicals.

    - Vegetarians often eat less calories, so tend to not be obese.

    These all benefit people with diabetes, or who have risk factors for it.  

  6. Vegetarians are generally more intelligent than meat-eaters.

    That's usually how they became vegetarians in the first place ... they were intelligent enough to see that people should no longer be killing and eating animals.

    Because they are more intelligent, they tend to eat more intelligently.

    Eating intelligently = Reduced risk of developing diabetes


  7. you know that is a very good question.  My guess would be that people that eat meat can only eat so much meat and their side dishes are generally full of carbs.  Potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, mac and cheese - etc. Perhaps they don't get all the vegetables they need, and depend on the high carbohydrate sides?

  8. idk.thats a good question =D

  9. Neither veggies or meat have ANYTHING to do with diabetes.

    You are ingnorant.

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