
Why do vegetarians try to convert non-vegetarians?

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I'm not a vegetarian but I respect the lifestyle. However, I feel like vegetarians and vegans convey a feeling of superiority and sometimes try to convert non-vegetarians.... Am I making this up or is there some truth to it?




  1. Evengelical vegitarians are few and far between.  And very few would try to convert non family memebrs.

  2. True! They aren't sure if they are doing the right thing, so they want other people to do it so they can have safety in numbers.

  3. Why do non-vegs always try to convert vegetarians?

  4. I wouldn't say that refers to all vegetarians! I'm veggie and decided to become vegetarian about eight years ago due to animal cruelty. However, I wouldn't ever attempt to convince someone else to make that decision, if they asked me for advice regarding the subject, of course I would give them my p.o.v. but obviously they are more than entitled to their own. If you find people trying to enforce their views on you, in any respect, remind them that the most important thing is to try to avoid unnecessary conflict and that you're happy with the decisions you've made.

  5. Some vegetarians do, but I am vegetarian and I take no offense to this actually. I don't I am trying to cleanse y body and if you want to eat meat I don't care....

  6. I'm sure there's truth to it.  It's a bit like religious people trying to convince others to share their beliefs.  If the religious person truly believes in that religion then they will want others to share the benefits of it.  

    Vegetarianism is a little different though, because pretty much everyone agrees already agrees that the suffering of animals is a really bad thing.  So all the vegetarian is trying to do is get someone to do something about something they probably already believe in - ending cruelty to animals.  There's nothing wrong with them trying to convert you, just don't let them harrass you if you've stated your beliefs and reasons for them already.

  7. You can't generalize all vegetarians and vegans. Of course some will try to convert you. It's the same with religion, abortion beliefs, etc etc. Some people always think they are right. People are full of themselves. They believe their lives are cleaner, and yours can be, too. However, there are plenty of non-vegetarians that call vegetarians stupid and put them down. People will never agree. I do agree that it seems more and more vegetarians are pushing their beliefs, though. So I guess there is SOME truth, but doesn't mean all of them are pushing.

  8. As with any movement, they are out to proselytize. They believe what they are doing is best, so want others to convert.

  9. Not all do. I am vegetarian. I dont bug my friends about it. I cook fom my mom and little brother sometimes, but I will not cook them meat. If they want meat they can fix it and I wont complain. I just wont fix it or buy it.

  10. i agree with you

  11. The number of animals that are bred and slaughtered depends directly on the consumer demand for meat. So those who feel strongly about the animal cruelty in the meat industry often do try to promote vegetarianism, to help reduce this consumer demand. Some people go about it in more obnoxious ways than others. I'd never criticize or insult anyone for eating meat. I do non-confrontataional things like putting up flyers on public bulletin boards and posting slaughterhouse videos on YouTube.

    From a moral standpoint, actions that harm others aren't matters of personal choice. For instance, murder, child abuse, and cruelty to animals are immoral acts, not matters of choice. (Imagine if someone said "It's alright if you don't want to abuse your dog, but don't tell me not to abuse mine.") Problems arise when people disagree about the morality of an action, whether it's abortion, the death penalty, etc. Those who believe something is immoral will try to persuade others not to engage in that particular action.

    Some vegetarians do have a condescending attitude, and I think there's nothing worse than acting superior or holier-than-thou. I believe it's important for all of us (vegetarians and vegans included) to recognize the fact that we ourselves are not ethically pure. We all cause some animal deaths simply by going about our daily lives.

    Acting superior really hurts animals by turning people off. I certainly didn't become vegetarian because someone acted like they were better than me for not eating meat!

  12. it is all part of the warning label....

    click it or ticket.

    smoking is hazardous.

    don't drink and drive.

    there are so many health issues that have become common knowledge that are caused by meat consumption that many people are concerned of their fellow man to warn them of the danger.

  13. Well, If you saw your neighbour beating a dog wouldn't you tell him to stop?

    I mean animal abuse is animal abuse, in any form its the same

  14. I've never tryed to convert anyone, I think you see more of this type behavior out of hard core animal rights people like PETA.

  15. I totally agree! my Mom in law is always trying to convert me and my husband and i hate it! she is always nagging me! i like being a non veg!

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