
Why do vegetarians/vegans have such a bad reputation?

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we're peacefull, and caring. we arent crazy and over obsessed weirdos like the sterio types.




  1. PETA, is the reason why.

    They're even against seeing-eye dogs for the blind and against testing animals for an effective drug to kill AIDS.

    They're against Venus fly trap plants that need nutrients from bugs because they can't get enough nutrients in the soil.

  2. They don't. There are some die-hard bigots who hate veg*ns I guess, but I've never met one in real life - the only place I've encountered that sort of nutjob is here on V&V. And I went vegetarian in 1969.

    ''We're peaceful, we're caring'' - sorry, but as we often point out to those very same nutjobs, all generalisations are silly. Me, I'm not particularly peaceful.

    Some people have met a veg*n who preached or ranted at them, and assume all veg*ns are like that. Others haven't actually met ANY, but have heard that veg*ns do this and accept the stereotype. Lazy thinking and lack of imagination are the problems in both cases.

    But most people, meat-eaters or veg*ns, couldn't care less what other people eat.

  3. When you are vegan, you are challenging someone's ingrained values from childhood- "eat your meat!". If you say meat eating is wrong for so many reasons, you're saying that these people's Mama's were wrong. You're hitting them at a core level- just like being against the circus or zoos. The American way of life! Anyone who challenges the mores of society will in some way suffer for it, always has been, always will be.

    I go into neighborhoods where dogs are chained 24/7, no food, no water, no shelter, ribs sticking out, collar grown into the neck. If you try to change their perception of what a dog is meant to be or do, you challenge a very deep-seated belief and receive hostility.

    Some things are just sacred in America.

  4. And I would care about what an idiot thinks?

  5. The vast majority of vegetarians live their lives in a perfectly normal manner, aren't crazy; many do it for religious reasons, others for health reasons.  Makes no difference to me; it's a choice that should be respected.

    What kills your reputation (like many things) is the fringe element which does engage in anti-social behaviour, and frankly probably does more harm than good.  Trying to reason with these folks is impossible.  

    Any "group" can be characterized as such.

  6. On the contrary, stereotypes are based on factual observation to a degree.

    Just as many vegetarians always point out that omnis have  never met ALL vegetarians as to reach a definitve conclusion or that not all vegwetarians think the same, then it could be also just as logical to point out that not all vegetarians are "...peacefull, and caring. we arent crazy and over obsessed weirdos .." and that not all think that "live and let live.."  is good for all. In fact, in this forum, you can find  posters who practically define the negative stereotypes.

  7. For the simple reason that so many have earned it.

  8. Because the people who give us the bad reputation are the PETA people who go to extremes to save even ants! I like PETA, they have good intentions, but they do tend to go overboard at times. People are also uneducated about how good for you it is to be a vegetarian, way healthier than a diet of meat! They tend to believe everything the USDA and FDA tells them in an attempt to sell more meat and dairy. They also don't research anything, just sterotype us vegetarians.

  9. PETA has a lot to do with it

    people seem to think, vegetarian/vegan ; die hard activist

    and then they get to know us and realize that we are normal...for the most part...

  10. Probably because we are different

  11. Hi Babii,

    I wasn't aware that we do!

    Mind you I've only been a vegetarian for 46 years so maybe I missed something.

    Blessed be.

    Karma Singh

  12. because every group has a number of radicals, and those people generally aren't accepted by society.

    take, for example, any religion.  the stereotypical Christian is the Bible-thumping, holding anti-abortion signs on a street corner, yelling 'the end is near', ned flanders kind of Christian.  of course not all of them are like that, but some people will always see the stereotype because it is what is most memorable.  

    vegetarians and vegans are victims of stereotypes as well due to the more radical members of our group.  i'm not saying there is anything wrong with those people, but that is all that some remember.  when some people think of vegetarians they think of peta activists throwing tomatoes at people wearing fur, dancing around in a chicken costume in front of kfc, and those few who are actually arrested for protesting.  those people are the most vocal, and that is what people remember.

    instead of taking the time to develop their own ideas about vegetarians or getting to know us and our motivations, they simply conjure up an idea of how they think we PROBABLY act based on our more radical members.  because those radical members are generally less aligned with society's "norm", it leads people to dislike all vegetarians.

    stereotypes suck....i don't even like peta =P

  13. Who told you that vegetarians and vegans have bad reputation? There is no truth inside such statement.

  14. its because of the things they do......when was the last time you saw an omnivore protesting against how many vegetarian protests against meat have there been???

  15. we don't...

    there are just the odd few people who eat meat but feel guilty about their addiction and so feel the need to bring us down.

    weird huh.

  16. This could be partially insecurity or others feeling judged by Vegetarians/vegans. I know that I always felt a bit judged by vegetarians before I became one. I just make it a point not to share my views around the dinner table.

    Good luck

  17. Like lo-mcg, I've never encountered any negativity for my veg*nism anywhere but here and I've been veg*n for over two decades.  Of course, most people who meet me never have occasion to know that I'm veg*n.

    I think, in general, people who have hostility towards us are the ones who have encountered veg*ns who fit the negative stereotypes and it's left a bad taste in their mouths.  I don't think it's true, though, that veg*ns have "such a bad reputation."  I think the majority of non-veg*ns probably don't have a strong opinion of us one way or another.

    And if you don't want people to stereotype you, you shouldn't engage in the practice yourself.  My boss is a selfish, insensitive, tactless boor and is a vegetarian.  No one would call him peaceful or caring.  Veg*ns are simply people and, personality-wise, we run the gamut just like the general population.

  18. I don't appreciate being called an obsessed weirdo...

    I may fit into the militant vegan stereotype but I don't really care.

    The rights of living breathing creatures is more important than the opinion of a bunch of bigots.

  19. PETA.

    Also, they think it's unhealthy and weird. Like in Asia, some families have vegetarian grandparents(religious) but will never want their grand children to eliminate meat from their diet. When you talk about vegetarianism, they talk about proteins, energy, strength and all sort of 'benefit' eating meat gives you.

    I had a hard time explaining to them but it'll all worth while of course.

    Probably because we are different, and some friends do not like it. You know, high-school style.

  20. i think people just relate us with the extremists. you know, flaunting their veg*n ism to everybody, shoving PeTA leaflets at people, that kind.

  21. They don't.  They are quite respected in some places.  It's all a question of who you ask and who you hang out with.

  22. Because we go against the norm.  The norm to people is to eat meat.  Meat eaters love the test of meat obviously.  They don't think about where their meat comes from.  It doesn't bother them to eat meat but it bothers them that we don't eat meat.  I think that we are peaceful and caring.  My mother in law says that I'm like those La Leche freaks.  She didn't breastfeed either so she thinks that is weird.  My inlaws are obsessed with my being a vegan.  They should just accept it because it is not going to change.  I will be a vegan for the rest of my life.  I think they are crazy and overobsessed.  My being a vegan is a personal choice.  I love it and I feel good about myself.  There is so much for me to eat that I don't need to eat foods that come from animals who have been slaughtered for food.  I never preach to meat eaters.  To each his own.

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