
Why do wack jobs like Bill Aires, Father Phlegar, Rev Wright, Louis Farrakan, support Obama?

by  |  earlier

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Can anyone explain that?





  1. It would probably be over your head.

  2. I can tell from the couple of answers so far that generally people haven't researched Obama's past to understand your question is valid. The bigger question is why does Obama accept this support. In the past I don't believe a party would have nominated a person with such a shady background. However, in current times it appears a certain level of common sense as disappeared from the election process. The word Change has been thrown around so much (with little substance to support it) that we now have one party with an inexperienced Senator running for President and another party placing an inexperienced Governor on the ticket for VP. Although I'm also disgusted with the state of the country, somehow I can't believe it is prudent to have inexperienced people taking over 2 of the most important (and powerful) positions in the world. You certainly wouldn't see this in the business world. Wonder why we shouldn't be operating the US Government on the level of a fortune 500?

  3. Obama has a 1/2 billion dollars of campaign money to spend. Those vultures are there to collect consulting fees

  4. There are plenty of wack jobs to go around...on both just happen to like the wack jobs supporting McCain....

  5. I don't know...

    They are all passing acquaintances. Get over it.

  6. You left out George Clooney - he's presently in Europe campaigning for Obama and raising money for his campaign - much like he did for Kerry in 2004. You remember George - the guy who trashes the US for invading Iraq while at the same time complaining that we're not invading Dafur?

  7. Because he hates America, and what we stand for and the people you see backing this man child hate America also, the people backing this low down disgrace are themselves low down scum that should be washed down the drain.

  8. Read my moniker,

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