
Why do waiters interrupt conversations to ask if everything is ok during a meal?

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Why do waiters interrupt conversations to ask if everything is ok during a meal?




  1. If they didn't come over and interrupt you during a conversation to see how things are going, than they would be standing around the corner starring at you till they catch a glimpse of silence to run over and ask then.

    But in all reality, it's actually part of their job to ask you how the food is as soon as possible to make sure that everything is how you wanted, and not over or under cooked.

    If they never came over, you may have the absolute wrong meal in which you won't be able to have taken back because the waiter hasn't come.

    It's their job!

    God Bless!! :)

  2. Not sure.  I'm guessing that they feel that it's good customer service... especially if you need something else.  I want to know why they come over and ask if everything is ok while you have a mouthful of food!

  3. So that u can concentrate on the meal ........//

  4. Because we have other customers and tables to tend to... as well as clean up the kitchen and it's almost impossible to just stand around and wait for that one golden moment of silence where you and your company AREN'T yapping to make sure everything's okay -- when at the end you complain about the gravy on your mashed potatoes anyway!  I could've had them re-cooked for you at the beginning of the meal and all would be well. What if you need a refill or want a different drink?  What if you'd like another side dish?  We won't know if we don't ask.... :)

  5. Because they are rude.

    They should attempt to approach at an appropriate moment only.

    Then again - you get what you pay for!

  6. if everythings going good, you still might feel your being taken care of.  But if you had a problem viola some to come fix it instead of leaving you there fuming.

  7. it is called quality control the restaurant business version of customer service

  8. its actually a sneaky way of making you pay for your meal. Legally they have to ask you if all is ok, cos if you say yes at the time and then at the end refuse to pay cos you say that it wasnt up to standard then they can say that they asked you if it was ok! I heard that from someone who knows about that sort of thing!!

  9. Bc we need to find out if your meal is cooked to your liking so if there are any problems we can fix it immediately. I take it as a good sign if you are talking away while eating that everything is going well. If there was a problem then you would be upset and waiting for me to come by and fix it. But if people are gabbing, I just bring refills when they get low and usually people say thank you and I use that opportunity to ask how their meal is. When they say "great" I say "that's fantastic, I wanted to check earlier but I didn't want to be rude and interrupt your conversation". That usually makes people happy and they feel you are being courteous and that you have been ackowledging them their entire visit.

  10. They need to be polite, or they'll get sacked.

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