
Why do waitresses at strip clubs always look better than the strippers?

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It might be just me, I only been to a few strip joints before but the waitresses were always hotter than the strippers.




  1. because the strippers are s***s and the waitresses aren't

  2. Stripping is a hard life. Many strippers use drugs and alcohol to get on stage, which leads to more drugs and alcohol to go to sleep. There's under-sleeping, under-eating, over-partying. There's shame, self-loathing. There's hating men and their lust--and also seeing them as fools, and as the enemy. It's not a profession that leads anywhere good, and when you don't feel good about yourself, you don't really look good.

  3. Because irony is a cruel mistress.

  4. I think it all boils down to self esteem!

  5. And , have You noticed, they are a little smarter than the average stripper?

  6. cloths hide your bodys imperfections and give you gracefull ness that is why fully clothed waitress look better then nude strippers.

  7. because they have more class than to get on the pole.

  8. that cuz they arent getting all the plastic surgery that makes them look fake and ugly and my guess is half of them are dudes that had s3x changes to look like women but still have the bulging adams apple that guys do

    and also the waitresses have more class than to slide up down and around the diseased brass pole

  9. hahaha, because they aren't.....

    A- doing an 8 ball every night after they get out of work

    B- doing every guy in the joint to make extra tips

    C- showing everything they've got to try to take your money

    D- getting beat up by their boyfriend/pimp

    and typically, they have to look better to get the job because their not on the stage under bright lights for 3-1/2 minutes at a time offering you their "goodies" to look at. they are in your face all night, under normal lighting, typically wearing at least SOME clothes. so they have to look halfway good....

  10. What you don't see is always hotter.

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