
Why do watches stop working when i wear them?

by Guest32225  |  earlier

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Everytime I put on a watch of any kind it always stops working within 24 hours. I change the batterys, even buy new ones and they still break.

Does anyone know why this happens to me?




  1. Either this is the confirmation effect - you remember when it happens and forget when it doesn't - or you're doing something to damage the watches.  Don't wear them in the shower or while you're doing dishes.  If you break them so often, I'm guessing you're buying cheap watches, and those get damaged more easily.

  2. You go swimming at least once every 24 hours, don't take them off, and they aren't waterproof.

  3. You have a very strong magnetic field within you

  4. simple. time hates you.

    that or someones trying to getacross the message that you should be living on Island Time. or happy hour.

  5. My mother has had that same problem all her life. She is 73 this year. She can wear windup watches or lapel watches only. The reason is that she has a high electical field in her body. She drains a watch battery in less than 2 days, where when my father would change his and my mothers at the same time (trying to prove a fact - he was skeptical) from the same pack of batteries, his would last almost a year where my mothers would die in days. Have you ever tried putting your hands on someones pain area of their body? Because of your high electical receptors in your body many times you can disrupt someone elses electical impulses. My brother broke his foot years ago, my mom came to the hospital to see him and she would lightly put her hands on his foot and the pain would almost be more like a dull ache, but as soon as she removed them and walk away about 3 feet it would be excruciating until his meds kicked in. There are many instances where she has done this. She doesn't claim to be a "healer" or some kind of psychic either. She looks at it in a scientific and rational manner. In some people, the have a higher electrical current than others. This has been scientifically proven. It is a slight different frequency and no she can not generate light for a light bulb, it is just a stronger current than some people carry, just like yourself. Buy windup watches or start wearing something between the watch and your skin. That is the only thing she could do.

  6. Made in China.

  7. magnets in ur wrist. lol  jk   have u got like... metal plates in ur body or sumthin? may interfere with it. probly not :l i dunno lol

  8. Watches stop working either because you've had the unfortunate coincidence of wearing a bad watch (or one that was low on power) the few times you've worn a different watch, or else because you have magic powers.

  9. Your pacemaker is making it happen. Or, do you happen to wearing an implanted defibrillator. Do you get zapped by a stun gun every 12 hrs? Do you work in an electrical environment or get struck daily by lightening?

  10. It might be possible that your body is giving off electrical charges that might be killing the batteries.  Or maybe, you are just a very electrical person.

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