
Why do we, as Australians, LOVE footy?

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  1. because its all australian

    and its exciting

    and we've been brought up with it.

    best sport on earth


  2. Us aussies came up with it....

    it's our rules,

    our boys,

    our game...

    it's a unique game!

  3. for me it goes back many years, i was just awestruck by the footy stars and the crowds etc.

    as i got older and started playing in the under 10's it was amazing how early you started to bond with other players, you quickly got respect from other kids if you went in hard for the ball or played well, if you lost, you lost together, if you won, same thing, you shared it all.

    as an adult, it was just the years of my life, fit, young, well i played till 5 years ago(retired at 41), i thought i was young, lol. but it does keep you young because you have a stack of teammates who are a lot younger as you get older, it's hard to explain, you just feel part of something, i miss that, i still am a runner for my team, so i am part of the wins/losses but its not the same.

    we love footy because it is the best leveler in the world, any one with a big head is quickly reigned in, hope you could follow what i mean, that's a players side for you.

  4. It's all got to do with THAT ONE DAY IN SEPTEMBER!!!

    Nothing like it.

  5. I used to HATE football with a passion .. without ever attending a game...

    But when I met my (future) husband... His family were greatly into their football .. and so I either went to the games with them or got left behind... SO I'd go ...

    Initially I took books and knitting and was totally and utterly bored ... THEN i slowly started paying attention to the people in the crowds and what can I say .. BUT the passion of the people got to me .. and THEN I started to watch the games to see why people were so passionate ..

    Then I read a lot of history of Our game .. and I just thought it was a wonderfully exciting and passionate game ... and I love MOST of the Victorian teams ( EXCEPT CARLTON .. I have a pathological hatred of Carlton)... and I love the history and tradition ... BUT I am saddened that the common grassroots supporter seems to be being pushed out these days .. TOO BLOODY EXPENSIVE.

  6. Simple, because we are Aussies.

  7. yep sure do, love me footy

  8. Sorry to pry into this, but Americans like myself love this great game of footy.

    I found it by pure luck on television here in America in 1982. I had no idea what was going on, I watched each week the entire season and it grabbed me. The marks, the kicks, and in the 80's the unbelievable play of Ablett, Lockett and Dunstall.

    I even wrote about the start of the 1983 season in my sports column as sports editor of the school newspaper in uni.

    No other sport has end to end action like footy, only sports close are ice hockey and lacrosse.

    It is a great game, 99 percent of America does not understand, thinking it is rugby.

    Thanks for letting me put my bit on here, but here in America, I looking for a chance to see the game on television. Andrew and his wankers just don't care.

  9. Aussies love action and hate just sitting there watching the paint dry, American Footy, Soccer, Baseball, even a test match in cricket, we need to see people get hit, high scoring games or runs, people being athletic with a ball in general.

  10. Us australians love AFL becasue it is australias game. we made it up and it is a very good game too. i love the game becasue it is fast not like soccer which is too slow, and i like it becasue it is high scoring.

    GO the ROOS!!!!!!!

  11. Its unique and its OURS!

    Its exciting, rough, and entertaining.

    My passion for footy started when I was very young and I would sit with my grandpa and watch our Magpies on TV.

  12. Its the only sport that boys are good at expect swimming and cricket lol

  13. cause tommy wills is a legend and decided that footy would be awesome and he could make a section about it on yahoo answers

  14. becoz its fricken awesome, and theres hot guys that play.

  15. Coz it's OURS.  I also love how fast it is.  How the ball can get from one end of the ground and back in about 20 seconds.  (Well most of the time anyway.  When teams aren't flooding.  I wish the powers that be would do something about that.)  Plus winter would be miserable without it.  Have you seen what c**p is on the other channels when the footy's on?

  16. Because its OUR game.

    This section is called Australian Rules...its OUR rules

    So until we lose our national pride...I don't think we will lose the game and would continue to love it.

    The speed, the hits and the marks - nothing like it in the world.

    Gaelic don't have the hits

    Soccer don't use their hands

    Gridiron don't really use the feet

    Rugby....WTF is a scrum anyway???


  17. Coz it's Aussie Rules

  18. Itz rough,

    entertaining (marks, goal kicks, hits...),



  19. It's a truly Australian game.

    Invented here in Australia by Aussies

    We get to yell and scream at umps, players, and even the tv cause we have our own teams that we love.

    The simple answer ............... It's an aussie sport

  20. because we love seeing carlton lose, even though they were talked up to be good because of JUDD-who cant do everything himself-no I in TEAM, i love the game, cant stand soccer, a sport that has HARDLY any goals scored, you see why the crowd go APE $hit

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